8. First Love (1/1)

“Please repeat what you just said, because I don’t think I heard you right.”Taeyeon’s eyes were on the ground. “You heard me, Jungsu; I’m not saying it again.”Jungsu exhaled slowly, carefully, through his nose. “You...”“I knew you’d make fun of me,” Taeyeon said quietly, turning her back to him and running away.Jungsu didn’t stop her.“Hey, hyung, we better go now. The manager--” Eunhyuk stopped and frowned, worried, seeing how frozen the leader was.“Yeah, okay,” Jungsu mumbled, putting a hand to his forehead.“Are you okay?” Eunhyuk asked cautiously.“Fine,” Jungsu answered, grimacing to himself.“I just saw Taeyeon walk away,” Eunhyuk put his hand on Jungsu’s shoulder, “Stop, and tell me what happened.”“She...”“Wait, did you confess to her?” Eunhyuk guessed, and his gummy grin appeared.“Confess?” Jungsu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “Confess? What? No! What’s there to confess?”“Oh, sorry,” Eunhyuk chuckled awkwardly, “Forget I said anything.”“Sure.”“So what happened then?” Eunhyuk pestered.A long pause.“Taeyeon’s in love,” Jungsu said, and after he spoke the words, he felt an the strangest feeling come over him.“With you?” Eunhyuk exclaimed incredulously.Jungsu gave his dongsaeng a dirty look. “No, Hyukjae. She’s...in love with someone else.”“Who, then?” Eunhyuk whispered.“She...”Eunhyuk waited for the leader to finish.Jungsu let out a confused sigh. “Kangin; she loves Kangin.”Eunhyuk immediately began coughing. “Wait, what? Kangin? Our Kangin?”“Yes,” Jungsu responded, confusion still clouding his expressions.“Well, it’s not that much of a surprise, I guess. They do a radio show together so they see each other all the time. Hyoyeon watches it all the time and she says that they always mess around and play together, like kids.”Radio show together.See each other.All the time.Play together, like kids.Jungsu put both hands on Eunhyuk’s shoulders. “Okay, thanks. Let’s just go now.”“What’s wrong with Teukie-hyung?”“Taeyeon’s in love.”“With him?”“Kangin.”“Kangin?!”“Shush! You’re lucky he’s not here.”“And what about hyung?”“Who knows?”Jungsu’s eyes were closed in the passenger seat. He pretended like he didn’t hear his own members whispering about him, because really, nothing was wrong. Everything was fine, swell, perfectly normal. His little dongsaeng Taeyeon was finally growing up, slowly but surely. She fell in love with one of his other closest dongsaengs. What in the world was there to be upset about?His eyelids flew open and he pulled out his phone and almost robotically, sent a text to Taeyeon.Hey, how much do you love Kangin? What kind of question is that? I’m your oppa, I should know. Then...with all my heart.All her heart, huh? Jungsu thought to himself, feeling anger boil inside him.What was happening to him?He pushed it down, grit his teeth together, and typed a reply.Well, I can help you, you know.With Kangin.What am I doing? Jungsu yelled to his inner self, as he hit the send button.Oh, right, since he’s in Super Junior and all. You’d do that for me? Sure, of course. You’re the best, Jungsu!Jungsu almost wanted to laugh.If he was the best, why was Taeyeon’s heart with someone else?Time Frame: Mid-2008Song: Love Hurts - YirumaA triple update; hope you guys all enjoy. :)

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