You Always Knew ? (1/2)

Taehyung’s feeling of uneasiness stayed with him long after the departure of Jungkook and Jimin. After Jungkook and Jimin’s meeting, it felt as if Jimin was no longer interested in hanging out with Taehyung at all, and that more than anything else kills Taehyung inside. Every time Tae had brought up hanging out, Jimin had found a reason each and every time to “explain” why he was unable to get to Taehyung's- from random family visits to doctor appointments, Jimin must have used every excuse that has ever existed. Naturally, because they were best friends, Taehyung asked why was it that Jimin seemed to be avoiding him. Jimin's reply was less than satisfactory. Taehyung got a, “I'm just going through something right now.” Jungkook wasn't as distant at all, however. The younger boy often stopped by Taehyung's house unannounced, bringing Tae’s favorite snacks and spending time with him. It was during one of these random visits that Jungkook spoke out on Taehyung’s out of character behavior. Jungkook has brought ice cream this time, and the two were supposed to be watching tv but Taehyung was lost in what if’s.

“TaeTae,” Jungkook called quietly at first, noticing the spaced out look in Taehyung's eyes. He didn't want to startle his older friend. Taehyung however, paid absolutely no mind to Jungkook. There was just no way Jimin would avoid Taehyung for so long because he was just going through something. Tae was always there for Jimin, and Jimin knew it. Though Tae never informed Jimin about exactly how far Taehyung’s feelings went, he was still very open and close to Tae.

“TAE,” Jungkook’s face flashed in front of Taehyung's eyes out of nowhere,” HYUNG!” Tae blinked once, and after recovering, smiled awkwardly at Jungkook.

“Sorry, Kookie. You went out of your way to come here and I’m hardly even paying attention to you.” Taehyung apologized, folding his hands on his lap and staring at them quietly.

“It's okay, hyung. I wanted to ask you something.” Jungkook tried to get some sort of eye contact with Taehyung, but Tae wasn't planning on looking up. Those deep, beautiful eyes Jungkook had seemed to be able to see right through him, and Taehyung wasn't having any of that. Tae was much more wary this time around, knowing that when Jungkook had a question, it always held some sort of unknown significance (at least unknown to Taehyung, as he could never really understand why Jungkook seemed to have a fire behind his eyes while asking the most normal questions).

“Go for it,” Taehyung waited, eyes still on his hands, for Jungkook to ask.

“What's been on your mind lately?”

There was another example. Taehyung had been asked this many times before, but as he peeked up at Jungkook through his bangs, he'd never seen anyone look so determined to know the answer.

Tae cleared his throat, “I’ve been having a problem with a friend lately, if you can even call it that, and it's just so confusing.”

“Jimin hyung?”

Taehyung's head snapped up immediately, eyes squinting as he scrutinized Jungkook.

“Jimin hyung? Why would I be at odd ends with him?” Taehyung couldn't help but look into Jungkook’s eyes, and feel himself get a little lost.

“He had said something-”

“You and Jimin speak to each other?” Taehyung looked away from Jungkook for a moment, “I mean I assumed you two were only friendly with each other here because of me.” Taehyung's stomach coiled with anticipation as Jungkook moved his lips to form an answer.

“Well, I mean Jimin asked for my number the first day we met here, and we kept in touch from there.”