5 (1/1)

“Ok, let’s see here…” The man, or Kyuhyun, muttered to himself as he searched through the tattered old cookbook. Sungmin had decided given him the job to cook for the kids and family, who were currently in their game room playing on the Wii. He continued to browse through when he saw a certain recipe for seafood stir fry that caught his eye. “Alright then, I’ll make this,” he stated in a determined manner. He looked and searched around the kitchen for the ingredients but instead made a huge mess of pots and pans flown across the room. “Found it!” He took out a package of assorted frozen seafood under the pile of meats he had tossed out. Now I just need a couple of more things, he thought. After doing so, he strapped on an apron and went to work. It’s changed to his POV. (By the way, this is an actual recipe I found on the Internet.) 1.      Thaw seafood. Set aside. I skipped the first step because to me, it looked pretty thawed out anyway. I mean, yeah, it seemed it was a bit too hard with bits of ice sticking out, but it’ll thaw more. I mean, could it hurt? 2.      In a bowl, combine wine (or 1 cup water), cornstarch, Worcestershire sauce, bouillon and 1/8 teaspoon pepper. Set aside. When I heard this, my first thought was, what the fuck is Worcestershire sauce? I looked in the nearest cupboard above my head to see if I could find it, but all I did discover was what looked like to be a really old bottle of ketchup. Since I was too lazy to go search more, I just used it in the sauce I was making. 3.      In a wok or skillet, stir-fry vegetables in 1 tablespoon oil over medium high heat until tender-crisp. Remove to bowl. I pulled out the skillet I was using and tossed the vegetables in. I then realized I forgot the oil and poured out a seemingly tablespoon of it into the pan. I began tossing and stirring it until it turned to the right color, which I guessed was black. I then scooped it out into a bowl I used for the seafood. 4.      Add rest of oil and seafood. Stir 2-3 minutes until seafood is thoroughly cooked. I took the “rest of oil” part a bit too literally, and poured the whole entire bottle in, along with the seafood too. It now looked like a pool of oil with a bunch of seafood acting as if they were once still alive and were now dancing in the sea of stearic acid. I continued to blend it around until it became black too and set it aside. See how terrible of a cook I am? I bet I would explode a 5-star restaurant on the first day of working. Not that I would do that or anything…Could I? Hehe. 5.      Stir cornstarch mixture and add to the skillet. Cook and stir until thickened and clear. At least I completed that step correctly. I think. It did turn really thick and clear. It’s starting to turn brown on the edges. Now black. I guess I’m doing it right. 6.      Return vegetables and seafood to the skillet. Cook until heated through, about 1 minute. Unfortunately, I read that wrong and after throwing the cooked ingredients in, I let it cook for a whole hour and went to go play some Star Craft. While playing, I heard I big “KA-BOOM!” coming from the kitchen. I assumed that the stir-fry was done so I quickly ran to the kitchen to check. The dish I had created exploded and flung everywhere throughout the room, so I immediately picked up the pieces and threw them on a prepared bed of rice and topped it with what I assumed it to be chopped parsley. I mean, I found it outside. It had purple spots on it and it looked like it. (5 karma points to the person who can guess what kind of plant it is! :D) Author’s POV       Sungmin was playing with Hyukjae and Donghae when he heard what he guessed to be a bomb exploded in the kitchen. He quickly ran to the kitchen with the two kids. He scanned the area for damage. The kitchen was completely destroyed and the only person standing not noticing what just happened was none other than Kyuhyun. He looked up to notice the presence of some people. When he saw Sungmin, he let out a cheeky smile and showed his dish to the rest of the family. “It’s seafood stir-fry! I made it myself. Anyone hungry?” Time Skip…       Yesung once again came in through the door with his clipboard in his hand. He examined the patient and then asked the his husband some questions. “Did he fall down the stairs again?” he questioned the person sitting next to the badly injured patient. “Yeah, and he also got hit by a bus,” replied Sungmin, reading another fashion magazine and not looking up to where the doctor was. “Ah, okay. He should really be more careful next time,” Yesung suggested. “I-I gidnt foll daown da-da stowrs-OW!” Kyuhyun tried to say, but stopped after Sungmin smacked his mouth shut, and his jaw was broken too. “I will go get the results for how long he should stay here. Okay?” “Yep. Capiche.” Sungmin took another magazine to read, but scowled in distaste when he scanned the cover. “Aish, they should really have more recent “People” Magazines, not these outdated “Time” ones.” He tossed the stack of paper aside and continued on mumbling complaints to himself. “Hewwo? I-Iam stoil hore ya knoaw,” complained Kyuhyun, wanting some attention. The drugs that Yesung administered into him were slowly making him sleepy, slurring all of his sentences. “Oh shut up you, no sex for a month.” "Oumma! I woant to go hoome!" he wailed. ~And that’s why you don’t let Kyuhyun cook. EVER. (<__<) I mean it.