Day 3: Wearing Animal Ear (1/1)
Rating: GWarnings: cussing; disgusting schmoopWord Count: 463Dedication:This one is for profoundenigma. I hope this is worthy of you. Thanks for all the support, babe. XoxoxoxoPrompt found here Seunghyun loved this time of year. The air was cool, clean, and crisp, with the scent of cinnamon wafting along. All of the twinkling lights set everything in an ethereal glow, and everywhere seemed extra warm and inviting. Plus, all the extra layers Seunghyun wore were more comfortable for him. He was on his way to Heechul's, his arms full of packages. He loved spending the holidays with his boyfriend. Heechul always got really into the holidays, but luckily never went completely overboard. It had annoyed Seunghyun at first- he wasn't really big on holidays. But, after a few years with Heechul the enthusiasm became infectious. Whether it was Christmas, Halloween, or Valentine's Day, Seunghyun would be on hand to help with decorating and baking. Standing outside Heechul's door, Seunghyun breathed in deeply- vanilla and brown sugar and fresh pine. Seunghyun loved that Heechul's apartment smelled like whatever time of year it was. The door opened, and Seunghyun laughed heartily- Heechul was wearing reindeer ears.“Fuck you, I'm adorable,” Heechul hissed, before winking and heading back inside.Seunghyun followed the beautiful brunette inside, slipping off his shoes and setting his gifts under the tree. “Smells good in here.”“Cookies!” Heechul exclaimed. “There's also homemade cocoa in the crock pot.”Seunghyun grabbed a mug from the cabinet and ladled himself a drink. He turned around and watched Heechul shape balls of dough and arrange them on a cookie sheet. He was graceful and efficient, and when he turned to smile over his shoulder at Seunghyun, Seunghyun's breath caught. He blushed, and turned away, his eye catching on a small silver box with a miniature gold bow. He was even more intrigued when he saw his name on it. “What's this? I thought we weren't exchanging gifts.” Heechul blushed and averted his gaze. “It's... you know... whatever.”Seunghyun raised an eyebrow at Heechul's evasiveness. He was usually so blunt. “Can I open it?”Heechul shrugged. “Sure.” He turned away, carrying the cookie sheet to the oven.Seunghyun raised an eyebrow, and slowly opened the box. Inside was a silver key. Attached was a tag that read 'Move in?' in neat block lettering. Seunghyun's heart thunked, and a grin spread across his face. He turned to Heechul, who still had his back turned. He wrapped his arms around Heechul's waist and kissed his neck. “Are you serious?”Heechul nodded.Seunghyun spun his boyfriend around, cupping his cheeks gently. “Yes. Of course, yes.” He pressed their foreheads together. “I love you so much.” Heechul wrapped his long fingers around Seunghyun's wrists, and slid them both over to the kitchen doorway. When Seunghyun raised his eyebrows, Heechul looked up. Seunghyun followed suit, and noticed a small bunch of mistletoe. He chuckled, and pulled Heechul into a gentle kiss.