The One with the Ball (1/1)
I'm gonna give up on trying to keep these short because there are a lot of good parts I want to include and I always get carried away. I promise I'm working on at least one of my other stories, I'm just having trouble getting and staying motivated. It was another rare day off and the guys were taking advantage of it. Well— some of them were anyway. While the other members were catching up with family and friends or just catching up on sleep, Dongwoo and Woohyun were sitting in the living room of the downstairs dorm throwing a foam ball around. There wasn't a real goal to the game, just the two of them tossing the ball back and forth as they talked."Hey, what time is it?" Dongwoo, who was sprawled out on the couch, suddenly asked.In a similar state in the adjacent armchair, Woohyun paused the game to check his phone. "2:17.""Wow," the rapper exclaimed, tossing the ball to the younger man. "You know, we've been throwing this ball without dropping it for, like, an hour?""Are you serious?""Yeah, I noticed it about a half-hour ago, but I didn't say anything because I didn't want to jinx it.""Wow, we're pretty good at this." They tossed the ball back and forth a few more times before Woohyun stopped, ball in hand, and noted, "Hey, we totally forgot about lunch.""I think that's the first time I ever missed a meal." Dongwoo seemed somewhat devastated; food wasn't something that easily skipped his mind. As if proving a point, he tugged at the waistband of his pants, declaring, "Yeah, my pants are a little loose."Myungsoo came in just then and the two men returned to their game, their hunger momentarily forgotten. It wasn't until a few minutes later that Woohyun remembered and brought it up again."Hey, do you want to get something to eat or do you want to see how long we can throw this ball back and forth?"The rapper took a moment to think it over before replying. "Uh, the ball thing." Both in agreement, they continued tossing the ball. After a few rounds Dongwoo posed a question of his own. "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if we could go two straight hours without dropping it?""Uh, yeah it would."Things seemed to be going well for a couple of throws until Dongwoo suddenly froze, ball in hand."Uh oh.""What?""I have to pee," the older man explained, his forehead etched with worry. "And I think Myungsoo just went in the bathroom."With some quick thinking the pair managed to make it upstairs to the other dorm, all while still tossing the ball. They were so intent on keeping the game going Woohyun stood outside the open bathroom so they could continue passing the ball while Dongwoo did his business."Man, I didn't think we were gonna make it," Dongwoo called out, tossing the ball."I know." Woohyun caught the ball and stopped to consider the situation before warning, "Don't switch hands, okay?" ~*~ The two men were over two hours into their record-breaking game when Hoya came strolling in from his room. He seemed to be on his way out as he slipped his jacket on, not at all concerned with whatever his hyungs were doing."Hey guys," the rapper began, his attention mostly focused on searching for something on the coffee table. "I left my watch here last night— where is it?""I don't know." From his position behind the couch, Dongwoo merely shrugged and went back to throwing the ball.Hoya felt his irritation grow at his members' lack of concern. "Come on, I'm late for practice.""How do you know— you don't have a watch," Woohyun quipped with a chuckle from his spot by the tv. Dongwoo was quick to join him, the ball still flying through the air.Hoya had just about had it, but he still tried to keep his cool. "Can you guys please stop throwing that ball for a minute and help me find it?""Oh, I don't know..." Dongwoo seemed to think it over for a second before replying. "Yeah, can't do it."The older rapper lobbed the ball across the room and Hoya finally snapped, intercepting Woohyun and grabbing the ball out of the air. As he did so, the pair simultaneously screamed in horror, effectively startling the younger man."What?""Hoya, whatever you do, do not drop that ball," Woohyun practically begged."Yeah, we haven't dropped it in..." Dongwoo trailed off and looked to Woohyun for confirmation."Two hours and twenty-seven minutes.""Really?" Hoya suddenly sounded intrigued, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.Several minutes later found the dancer on the phone with their manager as he tried to get out of going to practice."I-I'm not gonna be able to come to practice today, hyung. I don't feel so good," he moaned, trying to sound as miserable as possible. Just then Dongwoo threw the ball at him, but it went high and he had to reach up to catch it. "Yes!" Hoya cried, momentarily forgetting he was pretending to be sick. He quickly realized his mistake and attempted to cover it up. "For a second there I thought I was feeling better, but I'm not."He hung up before their manager could question him and the now-trio continued their game. They were steadily working on their record when Sungjong came waltzing in, probably curious about where everyone had gone; although when he did see what they had gotten up to, his curiosity instantly disappeared."Hey guys," he greeted anyway, just to be nice."Hey," Woohyun returned along with the others. As he tossed the ball to Dongwoo, he continued, "Check it out— almost three hours without dropping it.""Congratulations, that's quite a waste of time." Apparently, the maknae was done being nice. No longer interested in what his hyungs were doing, he left as abruptly as he came, leaving the other boys somewhat offended. ~*~ They managed to keep it going for another hour and gained Sungyeol as a spectator; just like Sungjong, he had wandered upstairs to see what the other boys were up to, but he actually found it interesting. He watched on in amusement as Dongwoo threw the ball to Hoya, who then hurled it at Woohyun with way more force than was actually necessary."Hoya!" Barely catching the ball before it collided with his face, Woohyun glared at the younger boy. "Stop throwing it so hard; we're on the same team.""Four hours?" Sungyeol finally spoke from his perch on a nearby chair. "You guys have been doing this for four hours?""That's right, baby," Dongwoo excitedly confirmed, passing the ball to Hoya with just as much enthusiasm.Rising from his seat, the tall boy joined the others and reached out for the ball. "Alright, let me in."Woohyun was just about to throw it to him when Hoya jumped in front of him, his eyes wide in panic. "No! Don't do it!" After receiving confused glances, the dancer dramatically revealed, "He's a dropper.""I'm not a dropper," Sungyeol insisted, propping his hands on his hips.Knowing how clumsy the younger boy could be, Woohyun tried to reason with him. "It's really more of a three-person game, y'know?"Sungyeol was not impressed. "It's throwing and catching.""Fine."Still a bit unsure, Woohyun gently tossed him the ball; he didn't want to risk the record they had worked so hard to achieve.Sungyeol easily caught it and rolled his eyes at how ridiculous the guys were acting. "Oh, it's so hard," he scoffed sarcastically as he began juggling the ball between his hands. But true to his reputation, he nearly dropped it and quietly handed it over to Hoya, more than a little embarrassed.Ok, maybe there was some truth to what they were saying.