The One with the Couch (1/1)
I wanted to write this one for a while, but I couldn't decide who would be which character. I kind of wanted Sungyeol to be Chandler, but he's like super jacked now, so he could probably lift a couch all by himself. This was really fun to write, though; I wish I had as much writing my other stories as I do writing these. As someone who treasured comfort above just about everything else, Sunggyu could only stand a lumpy couch for so long. So, he took it upon himself to buy a new one for the dorm and, with Woohyun in tow, headed out to a nearby furniture store. It was hours later when they finally found the perfect couch (a beige suede number that was as supportive as it was supple); the tired employee who had been helping them the entire time breathed a quiet sigh of relief and rushed to get the paperwork. Sunggyu was quite satisfied with his purchase until he saw the delivery fee. It was almost as much as the couch itself— there was no way he would pay that much, especially since they only lived a few blocks away. Seeing no reason why they couldn't do it themselves, the leader finished paying for the couch before urging Woohyun to help him carry it out of the store. His eyes may have been small, but he could still see when someone was trying to rip him off. ~*~ The trip back to their apartment building was long and tiresome, but they soon realized that was only the beginning. The elevator that had been working perfectly when they left was now down for repairs, leaving the two vocalists with only one option: the stairs."Are you sure this is going to work?" Woohyun asked, eyeing the narrow stairwell doubtfully."Of course," Sunggyu instantly replied. They had already gotten this far, it would be silly to give up now.The two men wasted no time lifting the couch and began their ascent. They made it up the first short set of stairs and started turning to go up the next set when Woohyun lost his grip, which made Sunggyu lose his grip as well, sending the couch sliding over the railing and onto the floor."Is there any chance you think the couch looks good right there?" The younger boy's attempt at lightening the mood was met with an irritated glare and an order to go find Hoya to help them."So, did you bring Hoya?" Sunggyu demanded when the other vocalist returned a short while later still alone."Uh, no, but I brought the next best thing."By that, he apparently meant Myungsoo, who walked in right after him."You brought Myungsoo." The leader was far from impressed; he knew he shouldn't have trusted Woohyun to do something so simple. "The next best thing would've been Dongwoo."Myungsoo looked surprisingly unaffected by his hyung's words, giving a halfhearted shrug as he said, "Normally, I would be offended, but Dongwoo-hyung is freakishly strong."Wanting to get back to the task at hand, Sunggyu pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and urged the other boys closer. "Ok, I think I figured out what we were doing wrong. While I was waiting I drew a sketch. See— there's the couch, you guys are over here, and I'm right here."Sunggyu felt particularly proud as Woohyun and Myungsoo studied his drawing. He wasn't known for his artistic skills, but he tried really hard so he expected quite a bit of praise from his members. Instead his effort was rewarded with a sarcastic comment from Woohyun."Wow, someone thinks highly of himself."The older boy had half a mind to smack his bandmate upside the head when he saw where he was pointing to on the paper. "That's my arm."The visual seemed to be harboring the same misconception. "Oh, I just thought you really liked your new couch."Rolling his eyes, Sunggyu steered the conversation back to their current problem and let them in on his plan. Soon they were all in position with Sunggyu and Woohyun on either end and Myungsoo in the middle, the couch hoisted in the air. Sunggyu led them up the stairs, barking orders as they went. Well, just one order."Pivot! Pivot!"As they started moving up the second flight, he became even more impassioned."PIVOT! PI-VOT! PI-VOT!"Myungsoo's head popped up from behind the couch, eyes ablaze, and he all but screamed, "Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UUPPP!"It seemed Infinite might be the first group to ever break up because of a piece of furniture.