The One with the Nap (1/1)
I don't know if anyone is reading this, but here's another one. This one got away from me a little; I guess it's because I was pretty excited when I started writing it. As an idol, there is a lot one must sacrifice like freedom, privacy, and most importantly sleep. The boys of Infinite are well aware of this fact— especially Sunggyu. He treasures sleep above almost everything else. The other members like to joke that he treats his bed like a lover that he never wants to leave in the morning and can't wait to be with at night; the leader doesn't bother arguing since it's kind of true.It is on a slightly less busy day at the dorm that Sunggyu finds the perfect opportunity to take a much needed nap. He is lounging quite comfortably on the couch with Hoya sitting beside him glued to his phone, the tv serving mostly as background noise. Sunggyu really doesn't know what happened. One minute he's staring at some random drama on the screen in front of him, his eyelids growing heavier by the second. And the next, he opens his eyes and finds himself laying on the couch, a completely different show now playing. But that isn't even the weirdest part. It comes when he realizes his head isn't resting on the fuzzy fabric of the couch, but on thin cotton that can only be a t-shirt and below that shirt is a slowly rising chest. There is a warmth surrounding him that his mind gradually recognizes as arms, but he isn't sure why they are there.Still drowsy from his nap, the leader lazily lifts his head and discovers his unexpected pillow is none other than Hoya. Sunggyu is just beginning to put all the pieces together when Hoya stirs and their eyes meet. The situation dawns on the two of them rather quickly and they hastily jump apart, nearly falling over themselves to create as much space between them as they can. The Infinite members are all fairly close and are used to sleeping next to each other, but that isn't necessarily true for these particular members.With the atmosphere becoming increasingly awkward by the second, Sunggyu is having a hard time figuring out where to start. He decides to just get straight to the point. “This never happened.”All the way on the other side of the couch, Hoya is staring straight ahead, his expression blank. "I don't even know what you're talking about." ~*~ After the pair agree to erase the incident from their memories, things seem to go back to normal; they might be avoiding each other slightly, but it's not like they were all that close to begin with.It's around a week later and Sunggyu is sure he has completely forgotten about that day. Dance practice has just ended and the members are all scattered around the room at various stages of exhaustion, the smell of sweat heavy in the air and on their skin. Slouched against one of the mirrored walls, Sunggyu is slowly remembering how to breathe normally when he feels a presence creep up beside him. He tries not to recoil too much when he realizes it's only Hoya and instead pastes on what he hopes is a friendly smile."Hey, what's up?"The younger boy looks incredibly nervous as he kneels next to his hyung, his gaze never leaving the floor. When he finally speaks his voice is barely above a whisper. "You look really tired."The leader's eyes shrink even more than usual as he squints at the boy next to him. They've hardly spoken over the past few days and this is how he wants to start a conversation— by insulting him? "I know I'm old; you don't have to rub it in.""No, that's not what I meant." Panic rushes across Hoya's face, his hand almost reaching for the older boy's arm until he seems to reconsider and it hangs awkwardly in the air for a moment before dropping back to his side. Looking uncharacteristically timid, he continues, "I just meant you should get more rest. If you want, we could go back to the dorm and take a nap, you know... together."Sunggyu can't believe he's actually hearing this. They made a promise to never talk about that day ever again and now, not only is the dancer breaking that promise, he is even suggesting they do it again. He is sure his eyes have all but disappeared from how hard he's glaring at the younger boy, but that is the least of his worries at the moment. "We agreed not to talk about that anymore. It was a one-time thing that never should've happened and it shouldn't happen ever again.""What if I want it to happen again?" Hoya is becoming bolder by the second, his voice more confident and his gaze no longer hesitant."It doesn't matter— we can't," the older boy insists. He really just wants this conversation to be over.However, Hoya doesn't look ready to back down. He glances around as if making sure no one else is listening before leaning closer and declaring, "That was the best nap I've ever had and I know it was the same for you too. Don't bother denying it."Looking anywhere but at the boy in front of him, Sunggyu bites his lip, embarrassed by the truth. He's still not ready to admit it, though. Instead, he crosses his arms and puts on his most leader-like voice with a scowl to match. "Even if that is true, it still doesn't matter. We're never doing that again."Hoya opens his mouth to retort, but before he can get a word out, one of their managers comes in and starts ushering everyone out. The two of them start gathering their things like the rest of the group and Sunggyu is certain that discussion is finally over."Well, I'm going back to the dorm," Hoya announces loudly as he walks to the door. His eyes sweep across the room until they land on the leader, his next words directed at him, even though he speaks loud enough for everyone to hear. "If anyone wanted to know, that's where I'll be."While everyone else is exchanging confused glances, Sunggyu can only roll his eyes at how ridiculous the dancer is being. Did he really think that would work? Well, Sunggyu isn't falling for it. He spends all of two seconds staring at the empty doorway, totally not thinking about following Hoya, before his resolve crumbles and he tries not to look too eager as he heads for the door. ~*~ Sighing deeply in content, Sunggyu snuggles closer to Hoya's chest; he woke up a short while ago, but he feels much too comfortable to move. He doesn't think he's ever slept so well before.Hoya begins to stir soon enough, his arms tightening around the older boy's waist. Sleep is still laced in his voice as he says, "That was a really good nap.""Yeah, it was," the leader hums. They definitely have to talk about doing this again.Just then, they hear someone clear their throat and the two of them lift their heads to find the rest of their group standing above them with various looks of confusion. Scratch that, they are never doing this again.