Final (1/1)

Girlfriend Wheepup 37350K 2023-11-02

The maknae line was doing their own business inside their room when Nayeon shouted telling them to come out.  “What it is this time?” Tzuyu asked while rubbing her eyes. Chaeyoung shrugged as she herself doesn’t know what is happening.  They gathered around Nayeon, curious about what she’s going to share.  “What happened?” Jeongyeon said and laid her head above Nayeon’s shoulder.  “Show us.” Sana then clings onto Tzuyu. Making the taller girl blush.  Chaeyoung rolled her eyes at the sight.  Too much PDA. She thought.  “Look at this!” Nayeon excitedly shouted while showing them a video on her laptop.  “Mina is my girlfriend.”  Momo introduces Mina.  The other members are clapping and whistling at what they heard.  “I ship them.” “MiMo is sailing.”  “Momo more like homo.”  All of them are laughing except for the three people inside the room. Jihyo, Chaeyoung and Dahyun.                                             Chaeyoung clenched her fist.  Dahyun have an unreadable expression on her face. And Jihyo who have flames coming out of her nostrils.  “Why are all my members gay!?” she shouted at the top of her laughs, making the others to laugh even more.  Chaeyoung stand up not wanting to see the rest of the video clip. She was about to walk away when someone grip her wrist making her to look back.  She saw Tzuyu grinning at her. “Where are you going?”  “Drop it Chou.” Chaeyoung said and rolled her eyes but Tzuyu kept the grin on her face. She knows the reason why Chaeyoung is acting like that.  Chaeyoung then pulled her wrist free from Tzuyu’s grip and quickly made her way to their shared room.  “Mina is my girlfriend.” “Mina is my girlfriend.” “Mina is my girlfriend.”   She bangs her head on the wall. Momo’s words were stuck on her head, making her heart ache more.  She heard the door open.  “Are you okay?” she heard a familiar voice asked.  “Are you?” she asked back, making both of them laugh in a bitter way.  “It hurts here.” Chaeyoung said while pointing her heart. Dahyun made her way beside the smaller girl.  “Why don’t you confess your feelings to Mina?” Dahyun suggested making Chaeyoung to widen her eyes.  “I-I can’t do that!” Chaeyoung exclaimed.  “Why not?”  “I’m not even sure if we share the same feelings.” Chaeyoung said and lower her head. She can feel her heart aching more and more.  It’s suffocating her.   Chaeyoung loves Mina but she doesn’t know if the older have the same feelings for her. She doesn’t even know if Mina really like girls or she’s just making skin ship for the fans.  What if Mina doesn’t love her back?  What if Mina doesn’t like girls?  Or worst,  What if Mina already has someone else?  “Chaeyoung.”  “Speak Son.”  “Oh come on you midget.”  Dahyun then hits the back of Chaeyoung head, making Chaeyoung to snap out of her thoughts.  “What was that for?!”  “You’re not moving so I thought that you’re dead.” Dahyun said with a smirk on her face.  “Can you stop being an ass Dahyun?”  “Not until you confess your feelings to Mina.” Chaeyoung rolled her eyes.  “Save that for yourself. You can’t even confess to Momo.” Making Dahyun’s mouth to hung wide open.    “Yah you midg—“Dahyun’s sentence was cut when they heard Jihyo shouting at the living room.  “Momo and Mina are here!” the leader shouted. They can also hear the loud teasing of the other members to the couple.   “They’re here.” Dahyun said and quickly left the room.  Chaeyoung sighed.  The last thing she wants to see right now is the two of them.  She buried her face on her pillow and shut her eyes tightly.  “Should I confess?”   --    Chaeyoung felt someone lightly tapping her shoulder causing her to wake up.  “Hmm?”  She hummed with her eyes still close.  “Wake up Chaengie, its dinner time.” Chaeyoung froze on her spot. She knows who the owner of that voice is, she knows very well.  She stands up quickly living the room not bothering to fix her messy hair and clothes.  Chaeyoung sits besides Tzuyu.  “You look like a mess!” Tzuyu shouted in horror, making Chaeyoung cursed at her.  “Hey watch your mouth!” Jihyo said and shot a glare to Chaeyoung. She was about to defend herself when Mina sat beside her.  Chaeyoung shut her mouth tightly and she can feel her body stiffen.  “Why did you leave me there?” Mina asked but Chaeyoung didn’t even dare to look at her.  “Are you--“          “No.” Chaeyoung plainly said interrupting her, as she already knows what Mina’s question is.   “Chaeyo--“  “I already said no.” Chaeyoung said too coldly.   “Ooohh quarrel.” Sana said while arranging the foods on the table.  “Eh?” Mina sounds confused.         “Chaeyoung can yo--“Her sentence was interrupted by Momo who’s now clinging like a koala on her.  Chaeyoung clenched her fist tightly; enough to make her knuckles turn into white. She gritted her teeth and cursed under her breath, trying to calm herself down.  But she explodes when she saw Momo placed a kiss on Mina’s cheeks.  She stormed out of the dining room not even caring how the other members would react. She closed the door harshly.  She pulled her hair because of frustration. Her heart, it feels like it would pop any moment.  Anger.  Jealousy.  She can feel both of that rage on her heart.  “I-it hurts.” Chaeyoung said and pound on her chest hard. “Can you s-stop?” she said to herself again. She doesn’t want what she’s feeling inside of her.  Her lips trembling as the hot tears began to stream down her face. “P-pabo. Why are you c-crying?” she said and sob even more.  Chaeyoung saw the door hung wide open. She quickly wipes the tears and tried to stop her sobbing but failed.  She saw Mina waking way towards her. She stands up. “W-what are you d-doing here?”  “Wh-- Chaeyoung, why are crying?” Mina said and tried to reach out for Chaeyoung but the smaller girl pushes her hand away.  “W-what are you d-doing here?” She said trying to control her sobs.  Mina just stared at her not saying even a word.  “What are you doing here?!” Chaeyoung said more loudly, almost shouting because of anger building up. But Mina, stayed staring at the younger girl, silently.  “Go back to Momo.” The smaller girl bitterly spat making a wide smile spread on Mina’s face.  “Why are you smi--?”  Chaeyoung’s sentence was cut by Mina. “You’re jealous, aren’t you?”  “W-what?! No! Of course n-no!”  Mina giggles.  “Why are you g-giggling?! I’m not j-jealous!”  Mina just giggled even more.  “Urgh!! And why would I be jealous! I don’t h—“  Chaeyoung’s sentence was cut again. Mina pinned her under her own bed. Her eyes were now fully opened; her mouth forming a big “o” shape and shocked was painted on her face.  “W-what are you d-doing Mina u-unnie?”  And Mina stared at her again, her brown orbs piercing down through the younger’s own.  “Aren’t you cute when you’re jealous Chaeyoung?” Mina said with a small smile, making Chaeyoung’s cheeks to be as red as a ripe tomato.  “I’m not j-jealous.” She said and turned her face on the other side, not to look at Mina.  But Mina sat on her stomach and cupped her both cheeks, while looking intently at her eyes again.  “Just claim me as yours and it’ll be okay for you to be jealous.”  Chaeyoung’s eyes widen more if that’s even possible, she felt her body turn as cold as ice and hard as rock.  “W-what?”  “Claim me as yours, Chaeyoung.” Mina said in her serious tone while looking at the younger one.  “Wh---“  Chaeyoung’s sentence was cut again but this time because of the Mina’s soft lips.  She felt Mina bit her lower lip slightly asking for permission and she quickly granted it. She wrapped her arms around Mina’s waist, making their bodies to be as close as possible. Their tongue fighting for dominance but as expected, Chaeyoung lose the fight.  But the need for oxygen kicks in, making them to parted. They we’re both gasping and blushing madly hard.  “Mina u-unnie.”  “Hmmm?” Mina said as she collapsed on the younger’s chest.  “D-do you like me?”  Chaeyoung didn’t hear a word.  Silence followed by a simple …  “No.”  Chaeyoung felt her heart ache more. Another wave of tears steam down her cheeks, and her sobs filled the quiet room.  “Yah! Why are you crying?!” Mina said almost shouting because of shock.  “Why did you k-kiss me when you don’t even l-like me?”  Mina smiled. “Pabo. I don’t like you because …..  I love you. I love you Son Chaeyoung.” She said with her sincere voice.  Chaeyoung sob stops.  “Aren’t you going to answer me back?”  She smiled.  “I love you to Myoui Mina.”  Mina smiled too at the confession.  She was waiting for this for a very long time. Those affectionate stares, those touches, those awkward moments, and all the simple gesture Chaeyoung made is enough for Mina to notice.  She’s not as dense as Chaeyoung.  “Are you my girlfriend now?”  Mina smiled again.  “Yes.”  ..  ..  ..  “MINA IS CHAEYOUNG’S!”