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Girl in White asianbx31 11740K 2023-11-02

"Ah!" Yelled my step-uncle. "Ah!" I screamed back. We both looked at each other, then laughed. "What happened?" "Well, you see, I was just trying to simply feed Kai, but he was running all over the place. Then,  I tripped over your mother's favorite vase and broke it" my step uncle said. Great! mom's vase is broken. I looked around the room for Kai, my dog. He's the best dog I've had in years. Kai is a golden retriever. to me, golden retrievers are the best kind of dog. They're smart, they're nice, and best of all, they're cute. I love Kai, but I can't love him when I can't find him."Where did Kai run off to?" I asked my step-uncle as he was trying to glue my mother's vase back together. He shrugged."I chased him outside, find him out there." My step-uncle said. When I ran outside, I found Ailee playing with Kai. "Ailee! what are you doing with Kai? you're only 15 you don't know how to take care of him!" I yelled."Really? Says the one who can't even take care of his own goldfish." Ailee sassily said. "Hey! I didn't kill it. Kai knocked its bowl over then ate it." I said laughing. I grabbed Kai and put him back in the house. Ailee came back in the house and stomped into her room. "Whats wrong with her?" asked my step-uncle. "Shes mad because I won't let her play with Kai." "Why can't she?""Shes 15!"'Well yeah, and you're 16, I don't see much of an age difference.""Forget you, I was going to ask you for some advice, but you're being a dumb---""Finished!" Yelled my step-uncle. The vase looked as if it was untouched. "You were saying?" he asked. I turned around and walked into my room where Kai was tearing up my book report. 'Kai! what has gotten into you? Why are you acting so strange?!" I yelled. My step-uncle ran into my room, as well as Ailee. I looked at Ailee, "Ailee what did you do?!" I yelled. "Now there's no need for blaming!" Yelled my step-uncle. I crossed my arms. Kai left the room. "Whats wrong with him? you and Ailee were the only one home." I said. "Well, when I got home with Ailee, there was, I think it was sugar all over the floor." My step-uncle said. Oh great! Kai is high on sugar. Bang! We all ran out of my room to find mother's vase broken again and Kai licking the floor. "Oh, come on! I just fixed that!" Yelled my step-uncle. "he's sick or something! We need to go get him checked up!" Yelled Ailee. "Hey! I get to make the choices. Let's go!" I yelled. I ran to Kai as he slowly laid on the floor. I can't feel a heartbeat. All three of us freaked out, "Okay! Get him in the car! We need to get to the vet!" Yelled my step-uncle. We all hopped into the car. And off we went. Kai, please be okay! This is all my fault! My life is so messed up. The Vet is bringing Kai into a room. I hope he's okay. Ailee and my step-dad went back to the car and waited for me. It's been awhile already. Wait! Here comes the vet.