Alone At Twelve (1/1)
I called my parents to see if anybody was gona watch or stay with me for that night since they were gonna be gone . They said no , and asked me if I could spend the night alone . When I called , they seemed like they forgot about my birthday , I called Jiwon but she couldn't stay , she was busy at school . She seemed like she forgot my birthday too . At that point , a simple Happy Birthday would've made me feel better . But no , I didn't get one . Instead , I was thinking that my parents were planning to forget me and then throw a party the next day . But that didn't happen . It was about 4:00 when I gave up . I was thirteen now . I put on a brown hoodie , black skinny jeans , tied my hair in a bun , slipped on my high tops , and put on my sunglasses . I walked out of the house . The company bilding wasn't that far only about a ten minute walk . I put on this particular outfit , hoping that nobody would notice me . I arrived into the building , and this is where I saw 2ne1 walking around and getting ready for the concert . I knew every room in the building by heart . Hey , what else was I supposed to do with my freetime alone ? I entered the name tag room by jabbing the lock with a butter knife I had in my hoodie pocket , okay well I sound creepy but , I needed it to get in . Luckily no one saw . I'm not sure how you don't notice someone jabbing a butter knife into a lock but , they didn't . I honestly had no idea what I was gonna do with my time here . I walked in and looked at the big machine in front of me . I grabbed a card that was labeled " Makeup Artist " and inserted it into the machine . I wasn't gonna spend my birthday doing nothing . I was gonna have fun . And by fun I mean I was risking the chance of me getting placed into juvie for pretending to be a makeup artist and sneaking into a 2ne1 concert . Yes , now I knew what i was gonna do . I was a pretty rebelious child in terms of not following instructions. I typed in Han Yoojin and waited for the name to be etched on the nametag . I created a fake name , which , if i got caught could get me into more trouble for well , using a fake name , obviously . The tag came out . I took a lanyard and attached it to the tag and placed it around my neck . I would look weird if I was a so called "makeup artist " wearing a hoodie and high tops , I brought a tote bag with me so I could change , just in case I needed it , and now that I did , I took out the clothes inside , I took out a pencil skirt and peplum top which I took from Jiwon's closet , she wouldn't notice anyways since she was gone . I took out a pair of wedges , I was smart and didn't pack heels , there was NO way I would stand a chance in heels . But I could walk in wedgesThese wedged were pretty tall considering I was used to smaller ones , I slipped them on and I looked like I was eighteen , not thirteen . I was pretty tall , and the wedges helped since I needed to look more mature as if I was an actual makeup artist . I packed some of my mom's makeup too . When I was packing I didn't know what I was going to do . But I was glad I packed these clothes so I would blend in .I took out the bronzer and contoured my cheeks , I blended that out and lightly filled my brows . I didn't know much about makeup , but I knew some things . I filled my brows on purpose to make my look older , again . I put on the lipstick and I was done . I put on my sister's old glasses , they were wire . I put them on , hoping that they would make me look older . They did . And I was so glad when I remembered wee had the same prescription . I saw clearly . I put the lanyard on , once again . And stuffed everythis else back into the bag . I let down my hair , and lightly finger combed it . I walked into the dressing room . And to my suprise , they were expecting a new makeup artist . " You must be the new makeup artist ! " a lady said I nodded my head in reply ." Well , you came a little late , but that's okay ! Just head into the bus." The lady told me . And I did exactly what she told me . Except I snuck to the very back . In a matter of minutes , 2ne1 and all the stylists piled in . We arrived in forty five minutes to the concert hall . I waited for everybody to get off , and right before the driver closed the doors , I walked out and headed anotherr way . I walked around for a good thirty minutes and I finally snuck my way to the concert seats . It was a free concert so I just walked in . And after a bit , I headed home , by bus . Not the tour bus , by the public bus . I went home . It was still empty . I washed all the makeup off . I had no idea how different I looked until I took the cosmetics off my face . I changed into pajamas and layed in my bed , thinking about how my parents could ever forget my birthday , let alone , me , by myself , at home . On my thirteenth birthday . And from that day on . I grew distant from everybody . I thought no one liked me . And that lasted until junior year . A/N DO YOU LIKEY ??? lol , it's kinda depressing . BUT I SWEAR THE NEXT CHAPTER ISN'T the next chappie will be about school andstuffff so yeah