Chapter Four: Un Mondo Tu (1/2)

Chapter Four: Un Mondo Tutto Nuovo

Unbeknownst to the trio of boys, they are being watched by three pairs of feminine eyes, Soo Yun, her cousin Jae and Seohyun, her girlfriend – the Academy's triplets. Soo Yun's eyes twinkle as she watches Kyuhyun stretch in the chair between his brother and the new boy, and from up here she can tell it really pisses Leeteuk off. It amuses her, though, because Kyuhyun is blocking his attempts at wooing the new kid.

She doesn't know what is going on between the three, but what she can determine, is that Kyuhyun is trying to prevent Leeteuk from claiming the new kid, perhaps she doesn't know the true reason behind his actions, but she thinks perhaps Kyuhyun has some crush on the new kid? They'd been very competitive when it came to seducing their victims, sweet-talking the poor girl or boy into their bedroom; even the staunchest of virgins fell to the wiles of the Golden duo.

Soo Yun was one of the only females they hadn't seduced, either because they knew she was completely off limits, or because the threat issued from her lips that first day of school scared them off. She liked to think it was the threat that made them uninterested in her; they wouldn't want anything to happen to their pretty faces – or their dicks. She snorted, wrinkling her nose as she thought of the bragging from Leeteuk's conquests, Kyuhyun's conquests rarely ever talked though, because he bribed, threatened and manipulated each one into keeping quiet, he did have a flawless reputation to uphold, unlike Leeteuk.

"Yunnie, who do you think is going to get the new kid?" Seohyun asks, as she too observes the boys.

"Is that what they're fighting over?" A third voice chimes in, its Soo Yun's cousin, Jae. She lifts a brow. "The new kid?"

Soo Yun laughs prettily. "He's much more than that. He's somewhat of a rare species, a prize," she pauses, resting her head upon Seohyun's shoulder. "Both Leeteuk and Kyuhyun want to be his Captain Picard, explore uncharted worlds, boldly go where no man has gone before." She giggles at the look on Jae's face, and pinches her cheek, earning a glare from the younger girl. "Or so Kyubear says."

Seohyun laughs. "You and Kyu with your Star Trek. What am I going to do with you, hm?" She kisses Soo Yun's nose, and wraps her arm around her girlfriend's waist.

Soo Yun grins, and captures Seohyun's lips in a soft kiss, fingers weaving through her hair. "You love me and my Sci-fi addiction." She says, breaking the kiss.

"You're right, I do. Saranghaeyo."

Jae wrinkles her nose and turns away from the fluffiness. "So cute, makes me want to vomit."

Soo Yun ignores her cousin, and smiles for Seohyun again. "Saranghaeyo."


Kyuhyun laughs as he turns towards the front of the room again, where their older music teacher is shuffling his papers together. He is happy for his noonas, really, but he's put out because he couldn't seduce either of them, and that was a blow to his ego.

The maestro taps his baton against his music stand to gain the attention of the class; all eyes turn to him and a hush falls upon the hall. He is an older gentleman, probably in his eighties, but the Academy is extremely lucky to have him in the staff, he's an award winning composer, singer and violinist.

"Let us begin with voice exercises, stand up please," he says, motioning towards the assembled students, they stand, clutching their sheets of music in their hands. The warm-ups go on for about five solid minutes, until finally the maestro deems them ready to begin their singing. Usually voice warm-ups last about half an hour, if the maestro is not happy with the way their voices sounded, but today it seemed he was happy with the way their voices sounded. Kyuhyun is glad, because he isn't in the mood to deal with a maestro in a bad mood.

"Park Jungsu, Jeong Soo Yun, step forward please," the old man wheezes. "Please bring the sheet-music for A Whole New World, we will begin at the top of the page."