Is this the end, forever? (part 1)

Changmin 10K Active
Time: 2023-11-02

Changmin just broke up with you because he feels he isnt around enough because of his busy life. Eventually, you get a new boyfriend and he also gets a new girlfriend. But you both still have feelings for each other. Hmmm smells like drama. Foreword"I dont think i can do this anymore""What?""Ive just been so busy lately.""We can work through this.""Its not gonna work."Those were the final words you heard him say. The words that cut through your heart. You wish it was all a dream. If only you could turn back the clock. The man you fell in love with at first site just tore you into pieces. Youve been sulking in your bed for weeks.  You havent eaten in days, you havent answered your phone calls, you havent even showered. You figured there was no point because the only man you loved wasnt there anymore. Suddenly, you hear your phone ring for the billionth time. You send it straight to voicemail."__________!!! I know youre there! Answer your phone right now! Im coming over!!!" That was the fifth call youve gotten this morning from your best friend Krystal. Shes been your best friend since birth. You hated ignoring her but right now you didnt want to hear a word from anybody. About ten minutes later you hear a door slam and your name being called."_________!!!!"Suddenly, you regret giving Krystal a key to your apartment. She storms into your room without even knocking."_________! Get your ass up! You cant stay in bed forever! And what the hell is that smell! It smells like death in here!" she says.She goes over to your curtains and opens them wide. You cringe because its the first time youve seen sunlight in weeks."Ughhh! Whyd you do that!" you say."Because you need to wake up and smell the coffee! If youre ever going to get over him you need to get up and shower because you smell horrible!" she says"I dont wanna!" you say.Krystal rushes over to your bed and drags you to the bathroom. She turns on the shower and forces you into it."Now my clothes are wet!" you say"Well they stink anyways." she says"Just wash youself up and ill pick out a nice outfit for you because were going out to eat lunch." she says"Ahhhhhh okay." you say in an irritated tone.------Youre finally out of the shower and you see the outfit she has for you on your bed with her standing next to it smiling ear to ear. She picked out a cute plaid shirt with short shorts and converse shoes."Are the short shorts really nessesary?" you say"Of course! Now put it on!" Krystal says.------You guys finally walk over to a cute little sandwitch cafe near your apartment. "I miss coming here with you." says Krystal."Yeaa its been a while." you say.You guys walk over to the counter to order and you see an old friend named Kibum as the cashier/waiter."Hey guys! I havent seen you in a long time! Especially you _______. Hows it going?" he says"Oh hey. Ive just been around. Ya Know. Doing stuff." you say."Oh. I see." he says"Actually ________ has been single for a bit! Do you know any guys who i can hook her up with!?" Krystal shouts."Woah! Way to break the awkward moment!" he saysYou nudge Krystal in her arm really hard."Ow!" she says"Dont listen  to her Kibum shes a little off this morning." you say."So you arent single?" he says."Well, y-yes. I-I am." you spit out."Then-" you cut him off."Can you just get our usual. You know what we like." you sayYou drag Krystal over to a table."Whyd you do that! It was so embaressing!" you say."I tried to help!" she says."Well dont help in that way!" you say."Quiet down. People will hear us." she whispers.You take a look around and see not a single soul in the cafe besides you two."Who can hear us? Casper the ghost!?" you say.-------------You and Krystal have been hanging out the past few weeks. You have to admit that it has gotten your mind off of Changmin. Youre slowly becoming your old self again. You two have also been hanging out with Kibum. Youve gotten really close with him lately. Today is a beautiful saturday morning so you and Krystal decide to take a jog."________! Slow down!" Krystal yells."Why are you so slow. It was your idea to jog." you say."Yea i said jog not run!" Krystal says while huffing and puffing.You begin to slow down and let her catch up to you."Its really beautiful in this neighborhood. Lets walk for a bit." Krystal says.As you walk and chat you suddenly get the feeling that this neighborhood is familiar. Something about this place is on the tip of your tongue. Then it hits you like a diesel truck. Youre near Changmins dorm. You dont mention it to Krystal because you feel it isnt relevant anyways."_______, you okay? Are you listening to me?" Krystal says."Of course i am!" you say."Then what did i just say!" Krystal yells."You-" you pause. You couldnt even finish your sentence because of what you just saw.Krystal pulls you over to hide behind a wall."I honestly cant believe that asshole." Krystal says.The shock that you saw before your eyes was Changmin. Not only Changmin. It was him and another woman walking into the building to his dorm with their hands intertwined."I-I think we should head back now."
