COMITY . an instagram based non-au role play . now opened! . reserve now, and be a chance to be an admin
COMITY an instagram roleplay #A ABOUT US com·i·ty/ˈkämədē/noun 1. an association of nations for their mutual benefit.2. courtesy and considerate behavior toward others. #R RULES & REGULATIONS 001. please subscribe for the newest updates of the non-au rp, comity. Im looking for admins, contact the aff if youre interested. accepting 1 girl and 2 boys.002. one account per person please 003. comity is open to any asian stars 004. reservations lasts 2 days after the opening, see the masterlist for who is available 005. no outsiders, this is a closed rp006. hiatus maximum for 30 days, please contact the admins if going on hiatus or leaving007. changing faces is unlimited, but only a week in between. psswrd is the color of the shirt youre wearing008. no drama in any kind, but roasting and basic swearing is allowed009. no facechasing, biasing, cliques, etc...010. dating ban for 1 week, moving couples are allowed. engaged ban is 2 weeks, and mpreg is allowed. no sm-t. please contact the admins if dating or engaged.011. if inactive for 1 week without hiatus, you will be removed from the rp and your fc will be available.012. no ooc. attending events is not mandatory but very encouraged013. most of all, have fun!#H HOW TO JOIN 001. subscribe 002. check masterlist for avalible fcs. 003. use this format and comment below:namegroups-xualitytimezonepassword004. all s-xualites are welcomed.005. please wait for an admin to accept you request.LOVEDUST : 2017 Foreword