Scribbles of Love ♥
Hello! Exofafic here!This story here will contain the ideas that wouldnt stop running inside my head.To avoid these ideas from spoiling my current fic, I had decided to make a story link solely for them.And here it is~Tadaa~not so Scribbles of Love ♥ The fictionalized character of the stories that will be posted herewill be different and may come from different idol groups,but one things for sure, the heroines are alwaysoriginal, and you can imagine yourself as her. So basically, its a ___ X you pairing. And~ this story links maycontain some side stories to myother fics too :> I may fail at this though.I am telling you, these are just scribbles, so it may not make any sense.XDAnd oh, shameless plugging. This is the fic I am currently writing and trying to update regularly:Into Your WorldThe main characters are Kris, Xiao Yu [OC/You] and Luhan ForewordStory #1: Sweeter than Bubble TeaCharacters: Sehun and you [Rae-ra] and EXO-KSehuns favorite Bubble Tea Place suddenly closed, and so he looked for another place to get his drug.But looks like he found something more sweetthan his usual choco bubble tea. Story #2: AgainCharacters: Chanyeol and youA story of looking at each other from far awayand mulling over about missed opportunities Story #3: Burning FeatherCharacters: Baekhyun and You + XiuminThat person approached you with underlying intentions,but learned to love you for real,even though it means he have to burn. Story #4: StrangerCharacter/s: TaoTaos story where he had to move to a new placeand met a kind, stranger jiejie along the way. Story #5: Its Sad to BelongCharacter/s: SuhoWhen Suho meets the right one, but he already belongs to someone elseI got the idea after listening to ‘It’s sad to belong to someone else one’ by England Dan and Jan Ford Coley on rainy Saturday morning.Hope you guys enjoy this one! :)