Bap 00K Active
Author: illgirl
Latest: Waking Up
Time: 2023-11-02

Having a girlfriend who isnt part of the entertainment business was his sanctuary. His escape from the spotlight. Yongguk knows that theres no doubt that he loves her, but is love enough? Can he protect her forever from his world of bright lights and cameras? She loves him. She loves being the one he turns to always. She promises that nothing will tear them apart, but can she keep that promise when things start to change and everything seems to fall out of place? People say that love has no bounds. They say love conquers all. But can their love pull through in the end? Or was everything just a part of their fantasy world?  ForewordL I M I T L E S SBecause my love for you knows no bounds.B.A.P are the next big thing of the Hallyu Wave. Fierce and powerful music, eye- catching dance moves and captivating looks. As leader of B.A.P, Bang Yongguk takes on many responsibilities, but this is what he wanted to do. After all the practices, photoshoots, interviews, and live shows, Yongguk knows he can count on her- Kim Eunmi.Kim Eunmi is a foreign exchange student, currently living and studying in Seoul, South Korea. When she first came to Korea, only studying and enjoying the life was on her mind. Now? Eunmis free time is all occupied by her idol boyfriend and his crazy, dorky bandmates. Shes crazy in love and she cant even tell anyone in fear shed jeopordize Yongguks career. Is she strong enough to bare the consequences of dating an idol? Yongguk and Eunmi have been dating for a few months now and they know theyre in love. But what happens when their love is put to the test? Will their love for each other pull them through the hard times? Can love really be limitless and boundless?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings Earthlings! illgirl here ^^ Thank you for clicking on this story. This is my return fanfic of sorts...I dont think Ive written anything before for almost 1 year. The plot, I know, seems typical but I hope you all look forward to the different obstalces Ive plotted for this story. Im not sure how long this will be, but I promise to write as much as I can without dragging on the story. Please leave your comments because as an author, reading comments means I have readers who care enough to leave a few words ^^
