Focus on Me
Like any other first year at university, Taemin is struggling to keep up with his studies, but not for the reasons most would assume. Taemin is in a word: lazy. He would rather watch anime on his laptop than study and completes all of his assignments during the night before they are due. His brother Jinki is fed up with his little brother’s attitude and, with a stroke of luck and sheer coincidence, he enlists the help of a classmate who promises that he can kick his brother’s butt into gear. Foreword writing this short chaptered fic for a 2min anniversary contest (i would never decide to write another chaptered fic while im still in semester at uni otherwise! lol). so while im working on this updates for my other stories may be slower, but itll only last until the end of september!!the contest info can be found here and is run by two of my favourite people on tumblr. im not sure if ill win but ill try my very best! thanks to my sweetie, nipplesxoxo who made the cover for me~