★ ) EVERYTHING ROLEPLAY ( ★ : newly opened. cOME ONE, COME ALL. < 3
masterlist.wishlist.couplelist.credit [ E V E R Y T H I N G ]RULES: HOW TO JOIN:1. subscribe, subscribe, subscribe please, 1. check the masterlist and see if the idol youupvotes are loved & appreciated. ; ) would like is available.2. no face-chasing here, we talk to everybody. < 3 2. make sure to include the pw in your 3. yaoi and yuri are limited. comments.4. dont add any outsiders. only members of our 3. you will have two days to make your roleplay. account after an admins approval.5. no ooc drama & ic drama is limited, we dont 4. change your alt. name to everythingwant people to leave because theyre upset. < / 3 5. when completed, add all of the admins6. alert the admins if anything happens; leaving before adding any members & add yourselfgoing on hiatus, anything. to the groups.7. HAVE FUN. yehet # : ) announcements. anonc. confessions. spazz. ooc. smut (optional). main. rage.