Hunter Game: Searching for Love [HIATUS]

Donghae 00K Active
Author: Terhill
Time: 2023-11-02

A story about revenge and love.Sadness and Happiness.How will Donghae face his life, which actions will he take?Will his life turn better or worst?  Flashback"We need to go now" he turned around, but instantly felt someone holding his wrist.He looked back at the tall guy who was now holding his wrist firmly, he smirked and said "Im Lee Hyukjae, nice to meet you."  I had posted this fic before but I wasnt happy with it and deleted it OTL I did some changes and I hope this time I will like it and of course I hope you like it too. Since its my 1st fanfiction give me a lot of love, please ^^ English isnt my first language so may have misspellings, I apologise for that OTL So that you know I dont have the story that well planned, what I mean is I have the idea but isnt written yet. So be patient with me ^_^ And Im very grateful to _the_broken for the wonderful post! Thank you so much! ^^And also a big "thank you" to BFInspirit20 and Somnium Review Shop for the review.      ForewordLee Donghae: 21 years old, University student at Itaewon University.Lives alone in a small flat in Seoul.Left his hometown, Busan, to get away from his family and to have the opportunity to accomplish his dream, to be a dancer.Will he accomplish his dream or will he find hardships through his path? Lee Hyukjae:22 years old, dancing machine, mysterious.Lifes in alone with his dog choco in a huge mansion.Currently not working, trying to achieve his father dream, becoming a known dancer worldwide.Will he be able to keep his secret away from Donghae?Will he accomplish his father dream together with Donghae? What will happen to this two boys and their dreams?Please look forward to it.I will update soon
