100 Days With Luhan
Sehun has to make the schools resident weirdo fall in love with him within 100 days, or else he loses his brand new sports car to Yifan. ForewordWhat is LOVE? Love is when you wake up every morning with a smile on your face, because you know you’re going to see him today.Love is when you make sure his coffee is just the right amount of warm so he won’t burn his tongue.Love is when you write his name all over your test paper just because you miss him (and end up passing the paper to your teacher!)Love is when you end up wearing your shirt backwards just because he asked you to meet him so suddenly.Love is when you still choose to love him, even if he doesn’t love you back.Authors Note: Hi guys! Since my other story (When Sasaengs Attack) is almost finished, I decided to write a new HunHan fic for all of you (and a little bit of KaiSoo wouldnt hurt)! This is just a little glimpse of what I plan on doing with my new story. However, I will not be posting the first chapter until I finish my other story (only the last chapter left plus the Epilogue!). So anyway, I hope youll like this one as much as you liked When Sasaengs Attack ^_^