three days | jikook❈
October 11th;"Im sorry.""Dont be." ForewordSeptember 1st"Happy birthday to you~" I shyly covered my face with the palms of my hands and smiled."Happy birthday to you~"I hadnt planned on celebrating my birthday, but I guess that didnt stop my friends."Happy birthday dear Jungkook," everyone stopped singing except for him, "happy birthday to you~"I heard clapping and people starting to approach me.I looked up and saw a blurry image of him. My eyes were watery, but before I could wipe them away, he did it for me."Dont cry Jungkook-ah," Jimin smiled and hugged me tightly, "everythings fine baby."His words would always calm me down, even though they were simple and I never understood why.Maybe because I loved him and maybe because he was my life.He pulled away and I got attacked by none other than Hoseokie hyung."Happy, happy birthday Jungkookie, I love you!" His cheerful personality always put a smile on my face.I hugged back and thanked him.After all the hugs and cheesy wishes they said to me, it was finally time for me to make a wish.I sat on the chair and before I closed my eyes I looked at each of my friends and all theyre faces could say was hurry up.I placed my hands together and slowly closed my eyes."I want to be happy and healthy for the rest of my life. I want to spend the rest of my time with Jimin hyung, with the love of my life. Please protect him at all costs."I opened my eyes and everyone seemed like they waited for me to say something."So? What did you wish for?" Tae hyung put his arm around my shoulders and wiggled his eyebrows."Yah, Taehyung! He cant say," Yoongi hyung dragged him away from me, which caused me to chuckle and look over at Jimin who hadnt seemed to stop smiling since I entered the room."But why, I wanna know," Tae hyung whined in response."Its bad luck Tae, now stop nagging," Yoongi hyung said."Fine, fine," He freed himself from Yoongi hyungs tight grip and sat on one of the six chairs."No, no, no..." Jin hyung quickly stepped in and grabbed Tae-hyungs arm, pulling him up."Ugh, what did I do now?" He whined once again."The elders have to sit first, since theres only 6 chairs," Jin hyung explained earning a frown from Tae hyung."But Kookie is the youngest, therefore hes the one who should be standing!" Tae hyung crossed his arms and looked at our friends, hoping someone would stand up for him."Tae, its Jungkooks birthday today, hes not going to stand just because hes the youngest," Namjoon hyung gave him a stern look which seemed to always work on Tae hyung."Okay fine, but when its my birthday, Jimin will be the one wholl be standing up!" He put a hand on his hip and raised an eyebrow."Ah, could you be more sassy, Tae hyung?" "Why me?" Jimin quickly protested."Because youre the same age as me and yet you still get to sit down instead of me."Jimin placed his hand on his heart, "now I feel offended," he kept a straight face but laughed it off."When its my birthday, Ill pretend that youre not there, so therell be enough chairs for the rest of us," Tae hyung stuck his tongue out and laughed, causing Jin hyung to slap his arm."Can we just cut the cake already?" I asked, making everyone turn their heads towards me."Yes Jungkook-ah," Jimin kissed my cheek, making me turn red almost immediately."Uhh, o-okay," I stuttered.Jimins actions always left me flustered no matter what he did and how many times hed do it and thats why I loved him so much.Thats why I loved him more than anyone or anything in the world.I dont know what Id do without him.•*~ффФфф~*•Every;