500 Days of Kim Minseok
Author: fapbapfap
Latest: O6.
Time: 2023-11-03
43200000 seconds720000 minutes12000 hours71 weeks16 months 500 days. And how in the world will 500 days change someones life? Sounds impossible?Nope. It isnt. Luck. Chances. Coincidence. ForewordHellooooooooooo :---) And yes, Im offiacially back with another Xiumin fic. LOL To be honest im a hugeeeeeeeeeee XiuHan shipper. *sobs* And suddenly something popped in my mind after i watched the movie 500 Days of Summer. HAHAHAHAHHAHA So, here it is ♥ Comments are whole heartedly loved & accepted. (/*3*)/ ♥ xoxo ♥ //this fic contains some inappropriate words. lol read at your own risk. hahahaha enjoy :---)//