Roleplay 00K Active
Author: guylinerbbh
Time: 2023-11-03

Mello there, you Do you stan EXO (ot12) ? Do you have a question for them? or do you have a message instead? TALK TO EXO NOW AND THEY WILL ANSWER!EXO has a KakaoTalk groupchat and they are willing to answer the fans~!Ask Truth or Dare to your EXO otp/s! Any yaoi ship is allowed! Whether itd be the royal otps : Kaisoo, Baekyeol, Taoris, Hunhan, Sulay, Xiuchen or other ships like Krisyeol, Baeksoo, Chansoo, Krisho, Xiuhan and many more yadda yadda which ever you prefer!I will screenshot their answers and put it up as a chapter and mention you! I will also put up random funny conversations that we have around the GC hahah!Heres the form for you~!- Nickname :- Question/Message for - :or- Truths and Dares for - !  :Rules :PLEASE : Leave all your questions/messages for EXO below the comment section ONLY. If you leave it somewhere else it wont be answered D:PLEASE : Be patient, Im sure they will answer your questions! First come first serve!Unlimited questions are allowed! EXO will be surely to notice you if you drop them a question from time to time ^-^Any questions/messages/truths & dares are allowed! even byuntae ones which makes it more fun kekeke! Or you can ask how they feel about other K-Idols! Dont be afraid to ask anything~! Dont restrain yourself!and the last of all.. Please remind yourself too that this KKT EXO group chat is not real. We are only roleplaying as EXO. Our opinions, answers and actions do not speak for EXO.That is all~! Thank you for reading and I hope you understand everything! Lets start. shall we? ASK AWAYY. I hope EXO-Ls will enjoy and will have fun! Foreword6/5/2016 : Okay, so Ive been planning this a lot for a while. I dont know if anybody will actually participate but I hope EXO-Ls will do.As of now, the EXO RP GC in KKT is empty, Id be happy if some of you would like to be a part of it. As from the description Im sure youll be aware of what the GC will consist of and what it will be like if youre planning to join. I need people who are always active and open minded to any EXO yaoi ship that well probably encounter. I need people who are really energetic and will like doing these kinds of things! cause whats a groupchat if you dont enjoy being a part of it, yes?Make sure you are always active, if you are no longer active for a month, I have no decision but to remove you and find a replacement. If you are planning to have a hiatus, please tell me why first.Status : 6/18/16 : COMPLETEDSuho (taken)Kris (taken)Chen (taken)Baekhyun (taken)Kyungsoo (taken)Luhan (taken)Lay (taken)Xiumin (taken)Tao (taken)Kai (taken)Chanyeol (taken)Sehun (taken)LEAVE YOUR QUESTIONS/MESSAGES/TRUTH & DARES FOR EXO BELOW IN THE COMMENT SECTION~!
