Christmas Call Center

2min 10K Active
Time: 2023-11-03

Buon Natale, Felice Anno Nuovo!! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!!Minho is working overtime at a call center on Christmas Eve collecting donations for a childrens hospital, when he unexpectedly calls the CEOs son Taemin. Realizing that Minho is alone on Christmas, Tae surprises him with a gift that Minho will never forget.      Foreword“Good evening Sir. Is this the Young Guk residence?” …. “Ah good, well Sir my name’s Minho and I’m calling on behalf of the Seoul Children’s Hospital, asking for holiday donations to provide-“ CLICK. ‘Seriously?’ I thought as I sat in my cubical; alone on Christmas Eve. Sure, it wasn’t the best way to spend Christmas, but my parents decided to take a vacation for the holiday and being a under-paid, overworked, graduate student, I definitely needed the cash; plus I doubted anyone would miss me.
