Public Boyfriend
Summary:Bang Yong Guk, the biggest playboy in town, is handsome and filthy rich. He is well known as a heir to the world famous recording company and enjoys the side effects of the fame to the extreme.One day his father announces about his upcoming arranged marriage plans which brings him back to the real world again. Desperately trying to avoid his possible brides to be, he encounters a young rebel, Zelo, and comes up with a most perfect plan that definitely doesnt gratify his eccentric new acquaintance.The reluctant and broke Zelo eventually accepts Yong Guks offer to become his "private escort" to drive the bride candidates away. Though, what happens next when the whole city hears about Bang Yong Guks juvenile lover? What about when Yong Guks father refuses to call the plans off?Despite them reassuring each other that they are just acting, things between Zelo and Yong Guk start to get really awkward. Or you could even say... sweetly awkward. Characters: B.A.P + fictional family membersPairings: YongZelo (Main focus), YongHim, DaeJae, JongZeloGenre: AU, Comedy, Romance ForewordHello! I started writing this fic back in April and didnt have time to publish it until now. But here I am now!Im feeling kinda nervous because this is my first fic ever to be published , and also because English is not my first language;;So please, bear with me!Notices- As I said I started this fic in April BEFORE B.A.Ps comeback so my head canon is that Yong Guk & Zelo are blonde and others have their current hairstyles.- This story isnt going to be as simple as you think, I want to make it deeper than you expect. Theres going to be a lot of drama ;)-Updates-- Thank you so much for stopping by to read this. Comments & constructive criticism are highly appreciated ♥