•(♥).•*´¨`*•♥•(★)Being with someone that you love is the best thing that ever happen in your life. A relationship that full with love. But what happen when love was left untold? What happen when he choose work over love? Can a relationship last with just one person in their love story? Can they survive? The most important is, can he redeem back all his mistakes before hes gone? Luhan is a workaholic person. Hes been married for 2 years with the person he fell head over heals for 4 years.The first years of their marriage was full with happinessWhen luhan got promoted, he start to become busy and rarely came home.He has change 360 degree. Hes easily got angry and rarely came home❤ Yoon Jae is luhan wife. She love luhan so much. she willing to wait for luhan to come home at the middle of the night.She try to be patient and always be the one who apologies first. She believe that the luhan that she fell for is still inside the new luhan.❤ Its all become worse when Christmas came.Her birthday, their anniversary even Valentine day he forgot. Yoon Jae will end up celebrating alone .He didnt even this time, Yoon Jae cant take it anymore. she tired with all this.She just .. tired...❤ That Christmas night change everything.Yoon Jae has said something that she has kept in her heart for months."i regret for falling in love with you"❤ luhan storm out of the house and get drunk. after comforting things with his friends, he has realize his mistakes.he decide to go back and apologies to her wife.he want to tell her how sorry he is,how much he love her,But, now its too late,he got into a incidentHe left Yoon Jae alone forever,without a happy or sweet memories to remember. luhan was given a second chances.CHANGE EVERYTHING BEFORE HE DIE. Can he succeed on doing that?Can he change Yoon Jae tears to a smile?People only realize their mistakes when their gone. Luhan realize his mistakes, but the question is, CAN HE TURN BACK TIME? Forewordღwww.hotsymbols.comHEY!! IM BACK WITH A NEW SHORTFIC.TITELED BACK IN TIME www.hotsymbols.c ACTUALLY I MADE THIS FICS SPECIALLY FOR A WRITING CONTEST☃ Let It Snow — a one-shot writing contestDO SUPPORT THIS ONESHOT FICS..THE REASON I JOIN THIS WRITING CONTEST IS BECAUSE I NEVER JOI THEM BEFORE. SO I WANT TO HAVE A LITTLE EXPERIENCE. HEHEOTHER THAN THAT, I WANT TO KNOW WEATHER MY STORY IS GOOD OR NOT.TILL THEN~~ ANNYEONG >_< this beautiful graphic was made from : ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱CHARACTERღwww.hotsymbols.coLUHAN:ღ A BUSY YET LOVING HUSBAND-LATELY DIDNT SHOW HIS LOVE TOWARDS HIS WIFE-LOVE YOON JAE SO MUCH-BUT DIDN;T SHOW IT IN THE CORRECT WAY-DIE, LEFT HIS WIFE ALONE MISERY-GIVE A ONE LAST CHANCE TO REDEEM HIS MISTAKES ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱YOON JAE:ღ WIFE-LOYAL TO LUHAN-NEVER DOUBT HIS LOVE-STAY WITH HIM NO MATTER WHAT HAD HAPPEN-LEFT HEARTBROKEN ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱ ★ ⋰⋱CHEN:ღ BESTFRIEND-THE ONE WHO ALWAYS ADVICE HIM-TOLD HIM TO CHANGE BEFORE ITS TO LATE. IF YOU LOVE SOMEONE, TELL THEM..BECAUSE HEARTS ARE OFTEN BROKEN BY THE WORDS LEFT UNSPOKEN- PAMELA DARANJO