Myungsoo 10K Active
Time: 2023-11-01

"WhyCant you say I love you at once Why" she cries "Please can you sayI love you " the boy still silent "Now i know its hard for you to saythat because you dont love me,so i have no choice we are over i thinkthats what you want" and the girl walk away That was happen in 5 year ago this story is a lovestory as you know in this story the girl proposed to the boy she likesand they become a cauple.The girl think she will be happy when she iswith him but she was wrong the boys never text her first .greet herfirst and he dont say something nice to her.Her life is a sad one.Butin 5 year what would be her life.? ForewordHan hyemi{OC}She is very talentedgirl she can danced,sing,rap and even play akeyboard. She like myungsoo very much.she has wealthyfamily. Kim myungsoohe love hyemi butnever tell her beause of someone.he is a very cold person onthe oustside but inside he is very kin and warmperson. his bestfriend ischangwook. Rich​Ji Chang wook.He like hyemi myungsoo bestfriend.​
