ɢᴀᴍᴇʀ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ II An All-Rounder Layout For (Basically) Everything
ɢᴀᴍᴇʀ ᴅᴀᴛᴀ Layout Preview❊ Mobile-friendly except for the home pages (still working to make it mf)❊ Full screen (covers left and right) on desktop and mobile❊ All layout notes are on the layout itself (see chapter guides below for more info)❊ I will basically make layouts for everything (shops, portfolio, applyfics, stories, roleplay, etc.) using this one design❊ If you want to use similar layouts like this, feel free to buy Simple Yet Classic, Summer Blue, Rivendell, or check out Visual Illusions for more layouts❊ Heres the original version of layout (made September 2017). I didnt release it then because I thought I wanted to make it mobile-friendly❊ Tumblr-ish design❊ Gamer Data = Ninomiya Kazunari is known to be a gamer and he played the leading role in a movie called Platina Data❊ Designed and coded by ann1914[A] Applyfics[R] Roleplays[SH] Shops[ST] Stories Chapter 1: [A] - Home❊ Two scrollable boxes (small about section and larger box for everything - updates, rules, story plot, authors note)❊ 1 author profile image (100x100px) with online green (#008000) sign below❊ 3 redirect links below story title and subtitle❊ 1 other link below for application page redirect❊ 1 line for extra info❊ 5 places for 70x70px icons at the topChapter 2: [SH/A] Profiles/Plotlines❊ 3 redirect links below the story title and subtitle❊ 6 default profiles with an image (100x100px), heading, subtitle, a scrollable paragraph box, and an availability indicator❊ Can be used for applyfic plotlines, staff member profiles for shops, or some sort of featured galleryChapter 3: [R] Home❊ 3 redirect links below the story title and subtitle❊ 1 small banner image (250x121px)❊ 2 extra lines for extra info❊ 5 admin icons (70x70px)❊ 5 scrollable sections (about, updates, masterlist, couples list, and rules plus how to join)❊ Couples Lists icons are 50x50pxChapter 4: [SH] Home❊ 3 redirect links below the story title and subtitle❊ 1 small banner image (250x121px)❊ 1 line for shop status❊ 2 extra lines for extra info❊ 5 scrollable sections (about, updates, rules, requests and blacklist, affiliates)❊ Affiliates banners are 200px width❊ Featured poster (150x180px) with heading plus 3 subtitle lines and a linkChapter 5: [SH/R/A] Updates/Cheatsheet❊ 3 redirect links below the story title and subtitle❊ 2 big, no height restriction sections❊ First section has a header with 3 default subtitles and paragraphs❊ Second section is for notes with a header and paragraph❊ 3 extra links in the middle of both sections for applyfic source code, turn in, and exampleChapter 6: [ST] Chapter❊ Story title and subtitle❊ Chapter header with paragraph section (no height restriction, not scrollable)❊ Notes section header with paragraph section (no height restriction, not scrollable)Chapter 7: [A] Application❊ Title and subtitle❊ 3 images (100x100px) with 3 scrollable boxes below❊ 2 non-scrollable sections with header and paragraph sections (no height restriction, not scrollable)Chapter 8: [SH] Graphics Pickup❊ 3 redirect links below the story title and subtitle❊ Poster preview (dont specify width or height)❊ 3 other default redirect links below the poster❊ 1 non-scrollable section for designers notes and remindersChapter 9: [SH] Review Pickup❊ 3 redirect links below the story title and subtitle❊ Poster preview (dont specify width or height)❊ 5 default rubric criteria❊ 1 non-scrollable section for review, reviewers notes, and remindersChapter 10: Codes❊ Please carefully read and follow the rules Brought to you by: