Broken Wings 2
Yongguk is finally out of Angels life. With that she can finally focus on the important things in life. Like Leo, her, career, and becoming friends with Ravis cousin. But Ravis cousin is after something Angel has, but so blinded by her kindness she doesnt realize this. Could Angel have finally met her maker? Or will Leo once agian save the day. ForewordAngelAfter Yongguk finally disappeared from my life I am at peace. The days of living with the boys, and managing themare over. But now were next door neighbors, so Im never far from Leo. Most of the time he spends the night at my place since the boys always interupt us when I come over. Todays diffrent though, Ravis bringing his cousin here. Shell spend two months at the dorm. Finally some girl time. I love the boys and all but another female is much appreciated. Were all waiting in the living room for Ravi to come in with her. Im playing with Leos hair while the other four are playing games on the Xbox. Im the first to hear the door open. I jump up, and run to the door. Ravi comes in first with a suitcase."Hi noona have you been waiting long?"I shake my head, and punch him lightly."Im still younger than you so quit calling me noona."Then a girl enters. She looks to be the same height as me with pretty reddish hair, and sparkling brown eyes. She looks at me and smiles."Annyeonghasayo my names Zaka.""Annyeonghasayo my names Angel." We both do a 90 degree bow."Wae dont you come in and meet the rest of us."She nods towards me and we both walk into the living room. I go and sit next to Leo and start playing with his hair again. When nobody introduces themselves I.smacked N on the head and give him my death glare. He stands up right away."Annyeonghasayo Im N oppa!" I raised my eyebrow.N never greets anybody, but VIXXs fans with that much aegyo. Leo must have noticed to because he looks towards me with a WTF face look. I shrug at him. The rest of them greeted her normally. Then its Leo turn he, isnt standing up at first so I smack him on his arm lightly."Yah!!!!! Wae didnt you hit him hard?" N screams bitterly."Because he my boyfriend pabo!!!"Everyone in the room laughs except for N."Now stand up and say hello oppa."Leo stands and introduced himself, then Zaka introduced herself. By this time Ravi has put all of her bags away in her room."So what do you think of us so far Zaka?" Ravi ask."I think this is going to be a fun 2 months." Everyone nods, and we begin to chat. It goes fron embarrassing stories about Ravi to her family to how me, and Leo met. Leo tells her how he fell in love with me almost two years ago. Then I explain how we met. We leave out the crazy ex part though."What about Yongguk Ravi told me all about what happened. Has he bothered you again?"We all look over at Ravi."What!? It just kinda slipped out one day."I can feel Leo getting up so I yanked him back down."Oppa you promised you wouldnt beat them up anymore.""Mianhae.""Its okay cuz thats what Im for!!"I hop on Ravi and start twisting his arm."Ahhh noona..""I told you to stop calling me that." I twist it further."Oww okay okay Mianhae Ill never do it again."I pat him on the head and go back next to Leo. "Thats my girl." He says and kisses me on the head."Jesus you to are carbon copies." Ravi mumbles while rubbing bis arm. Zaka just started laughing."So Zaka wae dont we go into your room and have some girl time?"She nods and we left the boys. N When Zaka leaves I relax. Ravi pushes me to the side, and starts playing xbox with Hongbin, Hyuk, and Ken. I look up at Leo. He looks into my eyes then smirks. He leaves, and walks into his and Kens room. I followed."Yah. Leo what was that about just now?"He keeps looking at me smiling."Yah! I asked you what was that about?"He walks towards me and whispers in my ear:"You like Ravis cousin dont you?" N I stop frozen by his question. Do I like her? She has really pretty brown eyes and a small face, and she just so hot. Wait when have I ever called a girl hot. I may say cute, but never hot. Oh my god I must like her!! I looked back up at Leo, and he looks amused. "Well I dont hate her, and she hot..I mean cute and uhh." Leo places a hand on my. Shoulder."Just go talk to Her N."Then he leaves me there wondering how Im gonna do that. Zaka As I sit there talking to Angel I cant stop thinking about how her and Leo are together. I was supposed to be to one Leo falls for. Not this hoe. Besides Im way prettier. Aish Im gonna have to break these two up. No one fucks with my man.