Sora loves her family. Hakyeon loves his family. Their fathers hate each other. Both beginning their last year of high school, the feud between their fathers has reached fever pitch. Their solution?Lets date! Foreword00 Sora could only hear half of the conversation, but was sure it was the worst it had ever been. Her father and Mr Cha were at it again, but then, when werent they? With a resigned sigh, Sora put her text book aside, knowing studying was futile with that racket. She lay back on her bed, arms behind her head and listened. "No, you listen... Why should I... of course not. That has no relation to... well of course I want the case, who wouldnt?... you always think youre better... ... Ill see you in court, well see whos better then."Sora rolled her eyes. It was beyond her how two men who were so hostile towards each other could keep it together in a court room. They were both the epitome of professionalism, but there had been a few too many close calls. Those had attracted media attention, naturally, the two being the best lawyers in the country. Theyd learnt to play the media well.Sora had no idea where the feud came from, it had been this way her entier life. So much so that when her path finally crossed with Mr Chas son, Hakyeon, in high school she had expected the worst. Thankfully they had embarked on a firm friendship, mostly rooted in exasperation towards their fathers.Lost in thought, Sora hasnt heard the footsteps before her door was flung open. Sora bolted upright to look at her father. Red faced and gripping the door handle so tightly his knuckles were white, he began speaking.Cha Hakyeon. Hes in your class, correct. Sora nodded. A small, unkind smile danced across her fathers face. Bury him. And with that he was gone, shutting the door behind him. Sora immediately reached for her phone, fingers flying a she typed a message to Hakyeon. *It just reached a whole new level of crazy. We have do do something...!!!*