He never looked at her as a real friend when they were young. But at least he was better than the others. He teased her, he ignored her, and he felt annoyed by her as well...but the glimmer of hope that made her continue being loyal was that he cared. Foreword"Yah! Youre stupid! How could you not understand?!" the boy said as he forcefully stomped his foot onto the concrete ground."Oh..Im sorry. I-Its just that there was no one there so I-" she answered back nervously. The annoyed glare that bore out of his face made a substance form in her eyes. She cautiously craned her head up to see 2 other boys looking at her with the same hate. She whimpered down and stared at her worn out sneakers. "Why dont you just go somewhere else?!" he asked harshly. He kicked a stone hard that was lying limply on the ground which made her wince. She bit her lips tightly as a signal for her tears not to drop so carelessly."Yeah, youre just a stupid girl!" his friend stated. They crowded around her and she wanted so badly to leave but she couldnt. She cant leave him but he wanted her to. "But youre my only friend" she whispered, softly pleading. It was her last resort. She was so afraid. Without him, she was alone. She would be pitifully alone. She glanced up again and saw a wave of concern wash through his eyes. It gave her hope. But that shattered quickly once he pushed her out of his way so he could go on the swings. HIs friends complied and followed him. She could catch their snickers and their mean comments they spat out. She half-heartedly smiled, at least he didnt throw in a comment as well...---------"YAH! YOU IDIOT! What are you doing up there?" he yelled as he watched her body sway up in the air."Im being alone" she answered making sure that he could hear the sadness crowding her voice."Get down from there! I dont want to be the one responsible when you fall and hit your fat butt!" His voice echoed all the way up from the top of the monkey bars. She pouted slightly and she hung on tightly onto the metal cylinder. She shifted in her spot as she only sat on one of the bars. "Then leave! Just leave then! You dont have to be responsible!" He watched as a small tear shined down her face as she whimpered out her words. She looked so hurt but its her fault for being so stupid, he thought. "Hey.....just get down here, please." he said one more time. He saw how her expression lightened up at his soft tone. He could see as if she was actually considering his words. "Ms. B is going to get us in trouble and my friends are waiting for me" Once he mentioned his friends, her dull and depressed expression came back. At that time she decided to pour out her thoughts. "Oh, am I not good enough to be your friend!?" she scoffed. "Who would want to be a friend of such a meanie?"His blood boiled inside of him. "Fine! Fall and die if you want! See if I care!" he screamed. His tiny feet marched angrily at the exit of the school playground. Before he was out of her hearing distance he spat his last thoughts. "Who would want to be friends with you!? Youre ugly, youre fat, youre dumb and no one even likes you!"That did it. A fountain of tears streamed down her face. He wasnt there to see the rest as he walked out of the gated playground with his head up high and a tinge of regret piercing him. His eyes widened as he heard a thud enter his ears. His legs had a life of its own as it quickly brought him back to the monkey bars. He saw a girl lying on the ground, the life taken out of her. "STUPID!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he flipped her over to see her face. He saw an ugly gash of blood on the bottom of her chin. "YAH! Wake up you idiot!" "Ugh..." she mumbled, the cut making it hard to speak. "Do you have no brain!? I told you to get down from there! I told you!" he scolded. He sighed as he took a small cloth he had and dabbed her chin with it. "See? Now youll have an ugly scar"She smiled despite the pain throbbing throughout her body. "You could have left....""And let your stupid self die here?!"She held the cloth to her face as she sat up, facing his worried expression. "Relax! Im fine" "Yeah, right. Were going to be in so much trouble! Recess was done over 5 minutes ago!" he exclaimed. Their light giggles caused an awkward silence to float around them. She stared at his face and into his eyes. They may be young but she knew how she felt. "Promise you wont do anything stupid anymore" he ordered. She scowled at him and stuck out her tongue. She then grabbed his hand and whispered. "Promise you will be my friend till we part ways?"He rolled his eyes and stuck out his pinky. "I was never your good friend but....I promise" She smiled immediately and let out a squeal of delight. "Then I promise too"He took her by surprise as he gave a peck to her cheek. She blinked rapidly, trying to process what was going on. "W-Why did you do that?"He shrugged his shoulders. "I see people in highschool do it all the time" New Fic! This will probably be a one-shot! Based on a true story but I dont own the characters!