Asymmetrical Beauty
"She never looked nice. She looked like art. And art isnt supposed to look nice; its supposed to make you feel something." Jongin looked to the girl seated across him. She was on the far end of the couch. Dark brown hair that stopped just below her chest, she had her head down as she fiddled with the hem of her dress. To Jongin, she wasnt someone you would call pretty, not with the way she portrayed herself - shy and timid. Jongin only had a thing for confident girls.He turned his attention to the girl beside her and was a little fazed at the contrast between the two. The girl in the middle had long, wavy ash brown hair with a pair of big hazel eyes and doll-like face. But what made Jongin stared at the girl a little longer than the first was the way she held herself. She sat in a very poised manner while she maintaining eye contact with a soft smile. It was no wonder they were only stepsisters. they resembled nothing like each other."Sarang, my dear," Jongins mother, Mrs Kim, called. Jongin observed the two girls. The girl with dark brown hair looked up carefully and smiled, "Yes, Mrs Kim?"Thud.Thud.Thud.Jongin suddenly felt weird when the girl her mother called for, Sarang, looked up. He felt his heart beating a little faster than normal and his stomach churning like what cliché sayings would always describe as, butterflies in my tummy. He couldnt help but to stare at her face in wonder. She didnt look nice. And Jongins first impression of her was right. Instead, Sarang looked like art. Jongin knew what art is, even by a glance. He knew it better than anyone else. He didnt major in arts for nothing.And art isnt supposed to look nice; its supposed to make you feel something.She was beautiful and Jongin was going to marry her. Choi Sarang, 21."When I dont have the energy to cover you with an umbrella, Ill stand in the rain with you."Park Sora, 20."Anything that’s worth having, is sure enough worth fighting for." Kim Jongin, Kai. 21."If I don’t have you near me, I’ll probably lose my sanity."Byun Baekhyun, 23.“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.”BabyBearKpop Production © ForewordIt started when puberty hit me.I was only thirteen. I remember looking into the mirror. I was staring at my own reflection before running to my father for answers. I sobbed into his chest when he explained things to me. He held me in his arms and stroke my hair lovingly. I never knew what I had existed. I never knew there was such a thing. And even if there was, I never thought it would happen to me.Asymmetrical face structure.That was what my father told me. I felt like a monster. My face was not proportioned equally. The right side of my face is lower than my left but I believed the words my father told me after that;"Youre still beautiful."Those words never stopped reminding me until one day. he remarried. She had a daughter as well. I was seventeen then and her daughter was a year younger, Sora. Sora was a living Barbie doll. When she was first introduced to me, I shamelessly stared at her beautiful face. She had long ash brown hair that curls up at the end, big brown orbs that was coupled with luxurious long lashes, a pointy button nose and perfect thin lips. I felt like a troll standing next to her. The love my father had for me was replaced with an obligated affection. He gave his sincere affections to Sora. Slowly, the existence I had in his eyes became slightly invisible. Proud and sparkling orbs, those were the eyes he would always look at Sora with, full of admiration and love. I never complained though, nor do I blame my father for the biased behaviour. I would have done the same if I were him because Sora is swan and I, Sarang, is only an ugly duck.