Where Is My Place
Author: Maple_Day
Latest: BoNuS GiFttt!!!
Time: 2023-11-03
This story about luhan and sooyoung.their 2 is neighbour.luhan at first doesnt have feeling toward sooyoung,but after a few month luhan has feeling toward sooyoung.but he scared to say that 3 word.. will luhan said to sooyoung that he like her or just stay quite??character:choi sooyoung -kind -pretty-shy-genius-honest xi luhan-nice-very helping-honest-kind sooyoung friend;yoona,hyoyeon and taeyeon-sometimes funny-lived with sooyoung and her mom-adopted by sooyoung mom luhan friend:kai,lay and suho-funny sometimes-lived with luhan sooyoung mom:han ga in-kind-funny-caring Forewordthankyou for the awesome poster ^^: Dark-- ♥-- Heart ♥ PosterShop ♥thankyou so much