You,,,,Should Choose Me

Kyuhyun 00K Active
Author: littlegame
Time: 2023-11-02

Sungmin love Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun dating Victoria. Kyuhyun broke up with Victoria.Kyuhyun cried for days.What about Sungmin?*fail* ForewordYour girlfriend doesnt love you wholeheartdlyShe always left you aloneWhy do you maintain the love that sore and painful?You still need her, need her,,, You,,,,Should Choose MeWho love you and always there for youYou,,,,Should Choose MeLeave Her, Forget Her, come to Me You dont deserve to be hurt, you deserve to be lovedshe was stupid for leaving you for uncertain love You,,,,Should Choose MeWho love you and always there for youYou,,,,Should Choose MeLeave Her, forget her, come to me,,,,,,Original song by: Terry~ Harusnya Kau Pilih Aku
