Everytime the Sun Rises I Love You More

Other 20K Active
Author: JongKey545
Latest: How? Why?
Time: 2023-11-03

Key meets Jonghyun his first year of high school and something just.. clicks.  Jongkey  2min Foreword"Hey." I looked up. A boy with 3 shades of blond in his hair was looking directly at me. His face was gorgeous, it was like nothing I had ever seen before. Helooked serious as if I had taken something important from him. "Thats my locker you know." His fists clenched as he emphasised every word with strongdiction. My mind told me I should move but my heart told me otherwise. I just sat there with a scared look on my face, shaking. I looked at his hands and irealized they were no longer in a tight fist. He seemed to be shaking so i looked up. What i thought was him shaking from anger was really him..laughing?He smiled a big smile and bent down to my level. "Hi," he said "im Kim Jonghyun but just call me Jjong." He for some reason reminded me of a dog but atthe same time a dinosour. I snorted as I pictured a dino-dog. He tilded his head showing his confusion of why I was laughing. I smiled at him."Hi, Im Kim Kibum. Key for short."  We shook hands and since that very moment, were he placed his hand in mine, we became inseperable.
