This is love?

Fluff 00K Active
Author: sweetcupcake
Time: 2023-11-02

Minseok is always there, watching nearly every move the young sell clerk do. Every laugh every flip of hair, Minseok sees everything.This is sick he thinks to himself while entering TALES OF UNICORN one of the coffee-book stores in Hongdae.‘Welcome to tales of Unicorn’ the deep voice is greeting him, and Minseok gets scared for life, because there is he in all of his glory, the one that Minseok wants to avoid and the one that he can’t seem to live without, in the same person. Sehun is smiling at him, but Minseok is dumbstruck ForewordSo yeah i will try to make it work, because as for now there is only idea when im going and im not sure about it to be honest with you guys, but i hope you all will bear with me  ^^ the idea is simple.Kim Minseok isnt your average 26 years old, he is one of the famous authors of romance book, but nobody knows it is him because he is using penname Xiumin, And yeah while being 26 his knowledge about romance isnt that good, you see he was only in one relationship and it ended pretty badly.Oh Sehun is 20 years old boy who studies Modern Dance on SNU(i knwo there is no major like that on SNU but lets pretend shall we) he is working part time in Tales of Unicorn the book caffe which is co-owned by one of his friends Zhang Yixing. BIG fan of Xiumins books.Kim Joonmyeon 25 years old, owner of Tales of Unicorn, best friend of Minseok, they know each other since primary school, Joonmyeon is one of three people who knows that Minseok is Xiumin. In relationship with Yixing since 3 years ago.Zhang Yixing 25 years old, he came from China when he was 15, he knows sehun from University time, in high school he met Minseok and Joonmyeon, with Joonmyeon he co-owns Tales of Unicorn well the name of the caffe  in relationship with Joonmyeon, knows about Minseok being Xiumin, knows about sehuns secret crush More will be probably addedAN:Hello!! yeah im not really good with this but i will try my best, as for now idk how long it will be but i would liek to keep it short, so please bear with me. Lots of love and see you !! The lovely poster is brought to you by Mystery_Desinger thank you hon~
