Of Rubber Ducks, Flower Pots and Bombs

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Latest: ELEVEN
Time: 2023-11-03

Vernon was a normal, 17 years old, boy Okay, maybe he had some faults here and there - but still, he was the belief, that he was indeed, just a little bit, normal.Or maybe he was, until his friends decided to do something, that was not the slighest normal anymore - they decided to stalk.Hidden behind three tiny flower pots.And here you have the drama. ForewordYes, yes, I dont own Seventeen and blah blah blah.You guys all know, what comes next and its obvious anyway, so I dont really bother mentioning.Whatever; YEAH IM BACK EVERYONE!!!I dont know how long its been - 1 or 2 years? Even less?Well, Im sorry that I didnt had the motivation and inFIREs here to write on, finish a story, or publish a story, but I guess, now I am back and all the happy rainbow and unicorns things appeared and yeah, here I am. Now the stuff that I really hate to mention, but still have to do for certain people: Plagiarism is not cool, and will never be. Dont do this, man. It will only bother us, waste a lot of time and show to the wonderful world of Asianfanfics, that you are uncreative, uncool and crazy enough to copy that shit that I write down. Okay, now that this is finished too, I have to talk about serious issues here:My english sucks. ( I cant even talk my mother language proberly, so... )You can ask, if you dont understand something. But I cant promise to give you an answer that will solve the mistery in the scene, because I sometimes myself dont know, what the hell I just wrote. But Ill try to recall what was going on with my mind that certain time. Critique is fine, but dont like, dont read. Its this easy, but some people just dont understand... I just finished watching Civil War, it was great!So, yes. Have a nice day and for all my reades: I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
