Bleeding love
Aoihoshi is the center of modernity and captialism, yet there exists a legend that does not seem to resonate well with its enduring image. Deep at the heart of Aoihoshi lie the indegenious inhabitants of the land, where the humankind eventually sent them to eternal banishment and damnity. The forefathers of the land may have perished, but legend says that their offsprings remain and would eventually return to power when the planets align centuries after. This legend is buried in the hearts of the older generations and forgotten, until one day, their offsprings come out from hiding and begin their horrific hauntings of the lives of their perpetrators.In the year 2014, more than a thousand lives were reported missing, and a comparative number of several hundreds died with a chilling cause of death - loss of blood, or rather there was not a drop of blood left in their cold, icy bodies. The petrified expression of the deceased reveals the unimaginable fear during their last moment of their lives. With their eyes wide open, fist clenched, body stiffened, each deceased shudders the people and leaves a deadly warning to the remaining - The vampires have returned, much stronger, deadly and brutal.Researchers have since dug deeper into the origins of the underworld and their findings, though inconclusive, were insightful and mindblowing...The vampires feed on the blood of the living, though not every type of blood are to the liking of their predators. The sweetest and most difficult to find are those of the pure hearted, a drop of theirs would rejuvenate the soul of the vampire and gives it an energy booster.If the humankind is killed before their blood are consumed, they remain dead. However if their blood are consumed alive, the humankind will suffer excruciating pain and lose their sanity while their internal organs undergo transformation, gradually morphing them into that of their predators.Male predators are highly seductive, using their sensual attraction to lure their female preys. Though they are irresistible and manipulative, they are also very committed with their chosen other half.Like all bureaucratic establishments, there are several classes of vampires, with the governers being the aristocrats, the Amakusa House who have been ruling the vampires for as long as they exist.Of course, as in every democracy, theres resistance and defiance. In the vampire world, the Amakusa has always faced problems from the Dark Revolts, who claimed to be the descendants of the elder vampires. Though not as strong as the Amakusa, the Dark Revolts are offensive, merciless, cunning and swift in their attacks. Theyll do everything within their means to rebel against the Amakusa. It is said that if bitten by the Dark Revolts, the venom will enter the blood stream and poison its prey such that the transformed victim becomes as vicious as his/her predator.In the early 20th century, the Vampire King was mysteriously assasinated. Though it was clear that the Dark Revolts has a starring role in the murder of the King, there were no evidences to put them to justice. Fortunately, the Amakusa house was unshaken by the loss of the almighty King, hence continued to suppress the subversion of the Dark Revolts. However, as the years go by, their thirst for power grew and their objective were to crush the Amakusa reign by disrupting the crown prince, the legitimate successor from taking over the throne. It is believed that the crown prince could only receive the throne when he finds his Queen, his one true love who shares the affinity with him. The chosen female human has to first offer herself as a tribute to the Vampire world as a way to seek the forgiveness to the sins committed by her kind, through a ritual that cleanses her soul is the most torturous way. ForewordCharacters:Amakusa Yabu (Yabu Kota)Crown prince, the legitimate successor of the Amakusa House; eldest of the three sons of the late Vampire KingDecisive, unpredictable, merciless to those who went against him, as well as his preysSeldom forgives, and hates anyone who betrays himHighly suspicious of the people around him, hence never reveals his passionate and soft side, except to the one he lets into his heartNever show explicit concern to his younger brothers, since he believed that they should be independentFiancé of Lady Kora, the soulmate and playmate of the three brothers, but he never did reciprocated her unconditional love, remaining cold towards her. He never considered her to be his Queen. Their relationship appears more of a dominance-submission.Amakusa Ryuu (Yamada Ryosuke)Second Prince, second son of the late Vampire KingStrong in combat and good strategist, hence becomes Yabus most trusted righthand man; eventually selected to protect the chosen oneUnpredictable, loyal Appears heartless, but is too mysterious to fully understand his personalityHis strength lies in his charm which could mesmerise girls within seconds, using this ability to hunt his female preysDespite his way with girls, he was never interested in romance. His gentleness towards Lady Kora eventually led her crush on him which he was aware of, yet could only turn away to avoid unnecessary scandals that signals betrayal of the crown prince.Shares a strong bond with the youngest brother, although the 2 could never share that same bond with the eldest.Extremely picky to the type of blood, hence grew to dislike the taste of most blood until a good one comes by. The only few in the clan that relies little on human blood.Amakusa Yuri (Chinen Yuri)Third Prince, youngest son of the late Vampire KingWeak as opposed to his brothers because of his compassion towards all living things; Hence, is determined by the crown prince as undependable after several failed missions. Is shoved aside by Yabu and seldom comes into direct interaction with him.Lonely because of his inferior complex, yet always show his cheerful side. However, received a lot of love and attention from Ryuu, hence clinged onto him most of the time. Good confidant to RyuuHelps Ryuu in his missions, especially the one concerning the chosenHis strength lies in his swift attacks and petite body that makes him accessible to most places. His harmless, innocent image makes a good disguise and helps him penetrate the deepest emotions of his prey.Lady Kora (Aragaki Yui)Fiancee of Yabu. Has been in love with Yabu since young but has never received love from him. Offered her everything to him, hence became his object of manipulation.Due to the loneliness, she found comfort in his second brother, Ryuu. Yet her love for him can never blossom for it will land them both in treason~~~~Inoo KeiThe dictator of the Dark Revolts; he commands a growing army of combatants to rebel the Amakusa.Extremely merciless and brutal in his attacks; Sly, cunning and tactical in his plansDo not usually reveal himself to the humankind or the AmakusaNever gives up to failure~~~~Umika KawashimaAverage student in Horikoshi High, good in studies and has plentiful of friendsBecame the chosen one after brief encounter with Yabu where they both found infatuation with each other, but never knew his true identityIs unaware of the existence of Vampires and that she is a target of both the Amakusa and the Dark RevoltsBecame the subject of protection of Ryuu (and Yuri), in order to prepare for Yabus successionTreats Ryuu as a good friend and eventually develops complex feelings towards him ********