what could have been
a temporary goodbye to seulkai-What a way to start April.I don’t know if I’m happy my Jongin’s a man now and is dating one of the most beautiful girls not just in South Korea but in the world or if I’m devastated that he’s not dating who I think is the most beautiful girl in the world for him.I never hated the whole idea of KaiStal. I was just too wrapped around by my SeulKai bubble and too far down that SeulKai hole that I never entertained all the other possibilities of who else Jongin could date. I’m sure most of you feel the same way, especially my dear SeulKai fam. And in all honesty, I have no legitimate advice to give any of you for once. And how I wish I could say I can, but even I don’t think I can ship SeulKai any bit the same anymore after this.But if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed, it’s the fact that I always wanted what’s best for both Jongin and Seulgi. And although, I still do think it’s each other for them, I need to grow up and face reality now. And maybe, that’s what we all ought to do. I’m not telling any of you guys that you shouldn’t be upset, because trust me, whatever you’re feeling, I’m probably feeling thrice that pain. Neither am I telling you to move on already; we all have our own paces and you should take all the time you need to do so. Not just for SeulKai, but for all your Kai ships.I have so many reasons to thank SeulKai for. But the number one reason is that I met all of you. I haven’t only grown attached to SeulKai but I’ve grown attached to every single one of you, my kids and of course, your dad Reya. I loved being your mom. And although, SeulKai may be, for lack of a better word, dead; I hope that this family we’ve grown to become isn’t. This isnt goodbye, okay? I’ll forever be your mom, babies! Here for you through anything & everything, even outside this ship.I love you all. Stay strong. :) And hope you enjoy and read between Seulgi and Jongin’s lines in this one shot.PS. I’m 100% not going to discontinue Soulmate and the rest of the things I planned for the Roommate series, I promise. But this will be one of my last non-Roommate-related fics for awhile. I hope the rest of the circle of SeulKai writers do the same. People love your writing and your fics, dont deprive them of that joy and yourself of the opporunity to make other people smile. :) ForewordSehun groaned. “I told you, you should have been more discreet.” He rolled his eyes, scrolling through the article revealing Jongin’s relationship with their senior, and one of their oldest friends since they were trainees, Soojung. Or who people know her more of as f(x)’s Krystal. “At least, you weren’t caught making out or anything—““That’s not the problem here, Sehun!” Jongin retorted, whacking the phone out of Sehun’s hands.“Then what is it?” Sehun questioned, ignoring what Jongin did and sitting upright to face him. “Is it the fans? They’re going to be ecstatic, you know. Everyone loves Soojung. And the company already knows--”“She still doesn’t know, Sehun.”Sehun blinked at him. “Are you serious?”Jongin slammed down face-first on his pillow, wailing so loud the North Korean officers probably heard and were getting into position by then.“You idiot, it’s been months, how the fuck could you not tell her of all people??” Sehun roared, like a father lecturing his badly behaving son.“I don’t know how to tell her.” Sehun watched Jongin, slowly turning around and wearily sitting back up.“Jongin,” He sighed, clapping a hand on his fellow maknae’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “If she doesn’t know, then it’s about time she does. And yeah, Dispatch already beat you to it, but you can’t just hide forever and let this pass without properly telling her yourself--”Jongin raised a hand to argue. “But—““No but’s,” Sehun shook his head. “She’s your best friend, but you can’t protect her feelings forever.”