Ruined Plans

Romance 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-02

Hello ! Here i am, with my first chaptered fanfic. cause i usually write oneshots. Haha.. hope you enjoy and please comment and subscribe! Thanks ! Lots of Love :) Foreword A student from Seoul Foreign University, Kang Jae Hee tries to free herself from the torturing of the famous group of gangster boys in town, EXO. EXO was the reason why one of her best friend, MinAh, died from an accident a few months ago. MinAh was running away from EXO when she suddenly slipped and fell  from the bridge. Seeking revenge for her dear best friend, JaeHee plans on destroying EXO(by the help of 2 other friends). Unfortunately, she got caught, leaving her plans hanging on thin air. How can JaeHee escape from this bunch of handsome boys? What if one of the members falls in love with her? What if she falls in love with one of the members and what if she escapes, will she still continue her plan? Will she succeed in destroying EXO? Or will EXO succeed by using her heart, making her fall in love, to stop her plans?
