L i f e

Friendship 40K Active
Author: SourireDAnge
Time: 2023-11-03

description and foreword is at the bottom! Foreword†«•__•»†   Name: L i f e  †«•__•»†   Created on: 8th November 2010†«•__•»†   First post on: 1st January 2011†«•__•»†   Finished:†«•__•»†  Characters: Choi Chaeri [MAIN/musicISme] ; ; ; Best Friends- Cyndi Tran [ime_fr/noneedtoknowme], Angel Renton [mariangel], Jackie Kang [twinklingconfusion] ; ; ; Best Friends Part 2- Hyun Kwok (silentreader), Jung Lee (no one because hes a guy) ; ; ; Guy Lovers- Darren (I dont remember if I gave him a last name...), SHINee Onew/Lee Jinki, Jang Geun Suk (actor) (I haven’t yet dedicated any fanfics to them even though their my BEST friends so I feel guilty but it’s also because I know them well enough to know that these characters fit them well ^^)†«•__•»†   Inspiration From: My Journal and my 2010 experiences ^^†«•__•»†   Poster: twinklingconfusion art~ (here, I would also like to say sorry to roobaa eonni >< bian~)†«•__•»†  Dedicated to:ime_fr/noneedtoknowme ; ; ;mariangel ; ; ;sthyme ; ; ;marshielisa21 ; ; ;twinklingconfusion ; ; ;YoomiXstar/TheMysteriousStar ; ; ;silentreader ; ; ;newjongki ; ; ;ZuZuKim ; ; ;JadeIsTheCooliest ; ; ;ldyxdavil ; ; ;Kana120 ; ; ;parkbeomsshi ; ; ;alwayskeepthefaith ; ; ;BubbleTeaLove ; ; ;MooxRawrzPandaz ; ; ; charisma1869 ; ; ; ShineeRocksForever; ; ; angelica1811 ; ; ; Fuzzball000 ; ; ; heheWiin ; ; ; shineefan829 ; ; ; [and all my other besties~ ^^] †«•__•»†   Copy Right © All Rights Reserved ® Please Do Not Copy This Story Without My Consent ; ; ;  Please Do Not Change The Story Line And Say That It Is Yours ; ; ; Please Do Not Change The Characters In The Story and Say That It Is Yours . †«•__•»†   Authors Note:  Hey all, this is my…8th long fanfiction [1. Lovers Inside 2. Autumn Is Here… 3. Feelings Unknown 4. The Unknown Life 5. 6. My Angel 7. Love Love Love] and all I can say, is that I’m really happy to be an author of so many fanfics, including tons of one-shots and song-fics. I’m really happy that I’m writing this fanfiction, but I think, this will probably be my last one. After this, I may start concentrating on smaller fanfics [ie, fanfics less than 10 chapters], one-shots and song-fics [which I haven’t been very active on lately]. This fanfic, I think, doesn’t fit in the criteria or definition of a “fanfic” until much, much later in the story.I don’t know about you guys, but sometimes, there are users here who go to the extreme and write about stories that aren’t even REMOTELY possible, I mean, I do that too, but I try to make it as realistic as possible. So this one is going to be REALLY realistic. A lot of writers say that good stories are based on ones experiences and I want to see if it is really true.One last thing before this supposedly short note turns into an essay, this is one of those stories where you have to read from the very beginning, or otherwise you won’t know what I’m talking/writing about. So, if you reading this and I’ve already posted up the first few chapters, you might want to hurry up and catch up otherwise, as I post more and more, you’ll just go to yourself “I’ll read it the next time I log in.” or “I’ll read it tomorrow.”. If you’re the type of person to say these things to yourself [I know I am xDDD] then you might as well not read this. I’m not being harsh; I’m being serious and truthful. This fanfic isn’t going to work that way. And if you’re one of those users who go on hiatus’ often [like ime_fr or mariangel eonni ^^] please write a note to yourself as to where your up to [or you can write a note to yourself in the comment box] because I know, that once you come back on AFF and see that I’ve updated 5 chapters [maybe more or less xD], you would start fretting as to where you got up to and I know you wouldn’t want to start all over again ^^ Anyways, that’s all I want to say to you guys. This has, once again, turned into an essay! It sounds like a will though O.o….okay. I’m going to stop cursing myself now. LOL. So anyways, please comment, tell me how bad/good it is and I’ll take all you guys say into account [though I probably be REALLY ignorant and don’t actually DO what you guys say but…yeah ^^] so thanks. If your reading this, thank you so much for taking the time reading it, and if you’re my friend, SARANGHAE<3 XxxmusicISmePS. Please feel free to chat with my on my wall ^^ I’m open up to all users xDDD unless you diss my writing = = I will not forgive you easily if you say my writing is bad. I can forgive almost everything. Except writing. Writing is…the only good quality I have and I don’t want anyone to say I’m bad. Thanks all~ Authors note / Part 2.Hey all, thanks for sticking with me this whole time even though I dont update a lot (seeing as I dont write as much anymore but I will soon, I have finals (some of you know that as "half-yearlies") so Ill be a bit slow~)I had recently written on a blog post that my bias has officially changed from SHINee Onew to Jang Geun Suk, actor of Youre Beautiful. I also wrote that the main character of this story will change but I got ONE (yes, that was all it took) comment saying that the user (you know who you are ^^) was looking forward to Onew being in the story, so, Ive decided to put both of them into the story seeing as Im not COMPLETELY over Onew-ssi quite yet. Oh, and every time I update the Characters section with a new character, its going according to where I (strongly emphasised) have written up to so those names/characters wont make any sense to you. Just know that theyre a definite part of the story.Once again, thanks to those who is here, reading this and commenting every time I post a new chapter ^^Thanks,L of Lyou-know-who   *** Foreword! A girl who feels that her life is in control. A girl who feels that she has everything that she needs. But soon, she begins to discover that life won’t just stop there for her. Her life is a journey, a journey through her thoughts and a journey through her very near future. She has to learn how to understand what happens around her and fill in the blanks. Everything…all of this…starts with the very day, her history teacher told the class about a journal that, after writing 100 entries into it, it will grant that person one wish. Her best friend ends up being in a long term relationship with her favorite cousin. Her first boyfriend is a transfer. Her first break up. Her first fight with her best friend. Her first time travel to an Asian country. Her first time… She had so many “first times” in her life during this short period of time that she begins to realize she has been missing out on before… She follows the path the journal sets for her, unwillingly yet begrudgingly. She’s odd…she’s weird but most of all, she’s confident.   But…in the end, when she has finally written the 100 journal entry…what will she ultimately ask for? A new life? A new beginning? A new boyfriend? A new home? No one knows… She’s never wished for anything before… But, with new scenery behind her, new friends in front of her and a life filled with chances, will she be able to take them? Or will she back out, revert back to her old self and forget that anything has ever happened? No one knows… Maybe you know what you want to wish for after the 100th Journal Entry… But she doesn’t. With the guide of life, the guide of her heart, she will, in the end, find what she is seeking and hold onto it with all her might until time decides to stop for her. *** My life is perfect. There isn’t anything else that I need. I have three wonderful best friends who are always standing by my side, understand me and giving me the courage I need daily. What more could I ask for? I don’t think there is anything more. But one day, I got given a journal… A book with lines. Well, that was what I thought anyways, at first. But slowly, as I began to pour my heart out to it, my perspective began to change and I began to lose myself into it. I began to rely on it and telling it all my emotions and feelings about certain things that had happened that day. Slowly, with a journal in my hand, my grasp as firm as ever, I began to travel. I began to travel through the different parts of a life that I have never even thought about venturing into before. New friends… New boyfriends… A new past and an even newer future. I just don’t know what to do or what to feel anymore. On my 1st journal entry ever, I got asked this by the journal, “What is your wish?” And honestly, I didn’t know. I didn’t need anything back then. But now, up to my 100th Journal entry, I get asked the same question. “What is your wish?” My answer is no longer “I don’t know.” But something else. Something more meaningful and something that I know will ultimately be used to represent me and my value to this world. So, I read the question out loud to myself. “What is your wish?” I wait for a second before finally deciding to answer the journal once and for all. “I wish…”
