Under the shady tree

2min 00K Active
Author: FishDelish
Time: 2023-11-01

It was times like this under the shady tree when the two had their most hidden but intimate of moments.This is just a soft, gentle story about an afternoon which two completely different students spend under a shady tree. An afternoon filled with their silently sweet and affectionate moments which only Taemin and Minho can share with each other.  Foreword...HELLO HELLO ♪!...(Please read first!)This is my VERY first time posting and writting a story here in AFF! In fact, its probably my first time writing and actually completing a short story in a LONG time! And when i say LONG, i MEAN long. This pretty much makes me a noob actually ^_^!Ive read quite some SHINee fanfics (because i am a self-proclaimed HARDCORE SHAWOL whoo!) and i have ALWAYS loved writing and making up stories especially as a young kid but i stopped for quite awhile and so the stories here of SHINee and such, really inspires and motivates me to write again.The topic i guess you could say, i chose to write on was 2min of SHINee :D! The two really interest me although I know that there are much more hardcore shippers out there than me :).Sorry it it’s not well-written in your eyes or your opinion! I’m only giving this a go :/.And sorry again because I can’t (or more like don’t want to) really write anything too extreme so sorry if this story ain’t your taste ^_^!And this time, im REALLY SORRY if my story had seemed similar to yours! I swear i didnt and would never copy and plagiarise it and i have a very valid reason as to why this is:...I dont actually read stories like this one i wrote here!Weird. But yet i still wrote it XD! But, in all seriousness, I am apologising in advance.As I have mentioned before,I am a noob, so please don’t go too harsh on me and bombard me with critiques filled with deep English words I don’t even understand D:! Or any harsh critiques at all actually XD!BUT, mild comments of improvements would be much appreciated by such a noob as I ^_^. XD! But apart from that, COMMENTS of any type are deeply LOVED ♥.… Further DESCRIPTION DETAILS…So as it says in the description (probably not the most creatively written =_=), this is really just a short one-shot of Minho and Taemin spending a nice time in the breeze in their school oval, away from their usual activities.It’s pretty sweet, although it’s not completely “fluffy” or “cutesy” as I also try to stay realistic, ‘cos I like it like that ;).So please read on, if you please, and be a kind heart and SUPPORT AN AFF NOOB like me today :).
