The First Night

Oneshot 00K Active
Author: ReeLee
Latest: One Shot
Time: 2023-11-03

When Kihyun passes by the newcomers bed late his first night there, pity drives him to go the extra mile to help ease the boys mind. Requested by anon as part of a project Im doing with Druekee called MONSTA X Fanfiction Requests Forum!Request: changki no mercy, changkyun can’t sleep on the night of his arrival. kihyun invites him to his bed. cuddling & comfortCome by our page to leave a request of your own! And, if youre a writer yourself, feel free to check out our requests and write something to submit to the page, if youd like~ ForewordKihyun turns onto his back, staring at the too-close ceiling. Usually, he doesn’t mind how close it is. After all, he’s on a top bunk and it’s to be expected.  But, tonight, everything’s different.  Damn Starship, he can’t help but think ruefully, wondering if other trainees had to deal with this. So far into the competition… Why???
