Tied between two lovers.
Title: Ties Between Two Loversgenre: romance tragedyMain Characters: Dongwoon (B2ST), Junhyung (B2ST) and youMinor Characters: B2ST and Super Junior members ForewordThe story tells about a girl (you), who is in a situation where she only picks one guy. Either the guy you first loved, or the guy who loved you in place of the one you loved.Junhyung, the best buddy of your brother, Leeteuk, got into an unexpected accident one night. And according to doctors sayings, Junhyung has 40% chances of survival. When you heard the news, it got you into a major shock.After months of waiting and hoping that he would still get up on his feet, Dongwoon was the one who comforted you while Junhyung wasnt around. He took care of you, just like how you wanted Junhyung to do for you. (I dont want to tell you the rest cause it wont be exciting if I do that)