Extraterrestrial encounter
She believed alien life was quite common in the universe, although intelligent life is less so. Some say it has yet to appear on planet Earth somday . And that day , came sooner than expected .... Foreword...."holy shit what is that ??...." Chanmi questioned her cousin Jimin eyes glued to the shining thing in front of her "were not hallucinating are we ? " the boy beside her gulped :"do you think thats an alien or whatever it is ?" "thank goodness we think the same thing fo the first time , can you believe it oh my god !! " she replied stil gaping ahead of her "you can save your sarcasm for later , what we gonna do now?" curiosity got the best of her making her grab the boys hand and pulling him towards the weird shining plate "what the hell you are freaking walikng us to our death are you out of your mind ?!! " Jimin struggled to shake her grip off him but the girl kept pulling him ..... they walked towards the huge space ship slowly .. getting in front of it holding onto each other with eyes as wide as saucers watching in silence waitng for something to show up c.Chanmi was about to get closer when the door to the saucer opened and a fog appered making everything blur arround them they were about to scream ther lungs out when two hands cupped their mouthes , expecting a three fingered green hand it took a a strong will not to puke right there and then , not being able to feel her cousins presence beside her she started freaking out , and then the fog disppeared and a wide grinning naked boy appeaed in front of them looking all innocent he said "HELLOOO , where is this place?? nice to meet you lets be friends " grinning wider and hugging the still gaping pair "did you just come out of that thing right ther ? " the girl asked pointing towards the ship , he nodded "why arent ou green " "why dont you have three fingers ?" "why do you have two eyes and not only one in then center ? " "why do you look like us ? " "hey look his eyes are changing colourrrsss oh my god " "werent they purplea second ago ?" "he is angry run run run , they are turning red"....