Second chances

Angst 70K Active
Author: katychan666
Latest: Part V
Time: 2023-11-03

TimeTravellerAU! Wonshik is a scientist and Taekwoon is his fiance. Taekwoon dies because of an accident and Wonshik makes a time machine to save him. But, things dont go exactly as he planned them to go. Will Wonshik be able to save his beloved?  Forewordbeempty gave me a few suggestions for angsty Wontaek fanfictions, because I was struggling to come up with my own and I really liked all of the suggestions that Ive gotten. This one really seemed the most interesting to me, so Ive chosen it to write a fanfiction about it. The fanfiction wont have that many chapters -I think- but hopefully youll like it ^o^/
