
Sinb 40K Active
Author: corinneniix
Time: 2023-11-01

Because Ive always, always been looking at you...Because youve always been the reason to my smiles, the reason why my heart beats... Forewordauthors note:probably a short fic!! too much main line feels gotta release them somewhere (as usual)it doesnt help that theyre both my biases (and shinbs in my head all day long... whats new)probably gotta be a little like a collectionabout the description, you might wanna guess whos who. hehum guys please leave comments so i wont feel so underappreciated huhu jk  edit: no this is not gonna be a shortfic its getting long HAHAHAedit (2): this so draggy omai im so sorry hi guys! this fic has been listed on the fanfiction masterlist on this site!
