Forbidden Love is TOO sweet.

Bigbang 00K Active
Author: chelseagrin
Latest: Chapter 1
Time: 2023-11-03

A young teacher walks in like he owns the classroom.I hear laughing from the back row rolling my eyes knowing it was BAP.I look towards my unnies who are cuddling with their boyfriends,TaeJun and InHo,Laughing as well.I roll my eyes as  the teacher begins to speak "Annyeonghaseyo I will be your teacher for the rest of the year.I am Han Geng please do call me Hangeng songsaenim.I hope we have a good year." Yongguk yells out "What happen to Miss Kwon?!" Hangeng says "I believe she got pregnant." I grin jumping up from my seat and walking to the front of the class with Hangeng looking at me confused.I turn to my class "Alright I won the bet now pay up!7,000 won EACH. Everyone groans taking out the money and handing it to me as I walk around the room collecting it.Once I get all the money I grab my bag at my seat putting the money in it.I turn towards my class and throw up a peave sign tilting my head and giving them an eye smile "Pleasure doing business with you!" Himchan squeals tackling me in a hug "Why are you so adorable?!" I squeal as I fall to the floor with Himchan crushing my body "Someone help..he is crushing my body!" I hear laughing as Himchan is being pulled off me I sit up fixing my hair "Yeahyeahyeah I get it.Lets just attack the baby"I roll my eyes stnding up. I turn towards Hangeng songsaenim and smirk at him everyone gathering behind me. "We welcome you to your new.....Hell hole we call your job" ForewordThe Three Queens♚: ♚Jung YunHeeAge:17Relationship Status:SingleSchool Status:Maknae Queen-She currently lives with her god father Jung Yunho,Leader of well known gang DBSK/TVXQ(All five members)-She is very bubbly once you meet her.Only trusts people once.Break that trust.She amy never trust you again-Best Friends with Rainie and Min for years-Her uniform ♚Rainie YangAge:18Relationship Status:Currently Dating Lee TaeJunSchool Status:The Middle Queen-has been dating her boyfriend since their second year of Junior High-parent slive in Taiwan so she lives with Min-has been best friends with YunHee and Min for years-her uniform ♚Park MinAge:19Relationship Status:Taken By Kim InHo(Since Their first year of junior High)School Status:Lead Queen;Queen Leader-the oldest of the group-lives alone with Rainie-has been best friends with Yunhee and Rainie for years-Her uniformThe Gangs☠: ☠B.A.PAges:17-19☠Block BAges:17-19The Teachers☢:☢Han GengAge:24-member of the gang Super Junior-enemies with Big Bang -Allies with DBSK/TVXQ ☢Choi SeungHyunAge:24-member of Big Bang-enemies with Super Junior-allies with BTOB(High School Gang)
