Our Oppa - Dongsaeng Relationship
We all know that Yoo Jae Suk and Ji Suk Jin are married. Period.In this case they still are, undoubtly, but the two hearts have always beated – No, not in cliché way but in more of a dongsaeng loving way. It all started after their daily Running Man filming they had just finished; wrapping up the set and following up with many goodbye’s and joking biddings. The Suk Brothers had gotten together after filming discussing for their future [typical] ahjusshi plans and laughed it off. It was only then they took notice of the only girl cast member crying with overflowing tears and this startled the two.“What happened to Ji Hyo?” ForewordHello everyone! ^.^ So yeah. A one-shot fic of...how would you call it -___- Erhm...well basically its just the closeness ofSong Ji Hyo x Yoo Jae Suk x Ji Suk Jin as a oppa/dongsaeng relationship (as that is the story of the fic ^^). I was actually inspired by this fic from this one tumblr page (although I found it a few couple pages click (to view the page) --> HERE) I think its absolutely adorable :333 Jae Suk and Suk Jin really take good care of Ji Hyo and then I decided hey! Why not make a fic about the three since I dont see people write about them too often! :D So yeah. Here it is! :)))Font rules: "This!" <--- means thoughts ^^ If you are intrested Ive also written other Running Man fics although they are mostly based on SpartAce ^_^So if youre a SpartAce fan, please check out the stories on my profile! XD© Copyrights not intended! Please enjoy reading! Comments and revieews?! XD <3- Poko24Makashi ^^