Fight the Dead, Fear the Living
Kendo instructor Kang Baekho was taken from Jeju-do for a trial in the Supreme Court after being accused of a murder. While on his way to Seoul, the police car, which he was in, hit a little bump on the road. Now in survival mode, Baekho will do everything he can to lead his new-found group to safety. He must take it upon himself to choose: who is the real enemy? Is it the Biters? Or humans itself...Yo~ Welcome to my first fanfic! *cough* kindofsorta-ishikindaabortedmyfirstfanficattheforeward *cough*BUT hopefully I will keep my credibility and actually pull this one through.To tell you the truth, this story will be heavily based on The Walking Dead. Telltales game more specifically. Maybe based is an understatement. Possibly 93% of the fanfics storyline will be using the games storyline. The only thing that will change are the characters (obviously). So just in case before I get sued: STORYLINE BELONGS TO TELLTALE AND THE WALKING DEAD. #unoriginalityftw #greatstartforfirstfanficHow much will I change the Telltales version? idk. Will there be any boyxboy? idk. Will there be at least some bromance? Oh hell yeah (I think). Will there be smut? Oh hell naw. Will there be blood/violence/gore? Girl, this is the Asian version of The Walking Dead. Will there be traumatic death? These guys are survivors, not untouchable K-Pop gods. NUEST? idk what youre talking about. In other words, the story is 100% improvised and I have no idea what Im doing.So uh... hope youll enjoy this NUEST version(?) of The Walking Dead? And hopefully it wont too cringing to read? im an awkward turtle. ForewordLooking down at my handcuffs, the only thought that crossed my mind is what the hell did I do?The long, nauseating 4-hour drive from Mokpo to Seoul is a silent one. I like it that way. Now hopefully if the officer ignores me—"So Im guessing you didnt do it then," he broke the silence.Darn it."Does it really matter?" It really doesnt."It really doesnt." Hm. Well I guess Im not the only one."You have no idea how many people Ive driven down this road," he continued, "usually I wouldve gotten the I didnt do it excuse right about now."Do I look like I care?"Not from me.""Is it because people like you have already said it enough?"The nerve of this guy.The officers radio turned on, saying something about to keep an eye out for something. I didnt really bother to listen."So Ive been following your case for a while now, since youre from Jeju-do after all." Please just shut the front door."Got a problem with Jeju?""Not at all. In fact, Im from Jeju myself. Came up here to be an officer not too long ago. Ive always wanted to work in a murder case, just like the one you got yourself mixed up in. Not to be rude and all."Yeah sure, definitely not rude."Its sad more than anything. I even heard that he was a regular at your brothers drugstore. Is it still there in Suwon?""You bet.""Good."A couple of seconds later, a little more than a few ambulances and police cars dashed by, racing to the opposite direction. I wonder if it has to do with that radio call.As if reading my mind, the communication instrument buzzed again. This is probably worth paying attention to."Please be advised that emergency personnel are on their way to Anyang. About 10-20 have been spotted."10-20 what? Something isnt sitting right in my gut…"Shouldnt you respond to that?""I should, but that box never shuts up. You should sit in my seat, knowing that thing will drive you insane from just listening to it 24/7."Talk about good work ethics."My little boy has been wanting to learn that samurai-sword martial art deal, what was it called again?""Kendo?""Yeah that. How long have you been teaching it?""Going for my fourth year.""I see. Did you sway your girls heart with those moves?"No comments."You want to know how I see it?" God, this man is so nosy."Do I really have a choice?""I think you fell in love with the wrong woman."Thats it. I open my mouth, about to spit something into that officers ears, but eventually just shut it. Forget it. Whats been done is done.The radio call in once again, "Riots are in progress. All available police and officers report to Anyang at this time." Shortly after, a booming helicopter glided across the air, heading towards Anyang.Something is really, really wrong…But with no other choice, I stay silent. Anyang was just fine when we passed it, what couldve happened in the last hour?As the officer keeps on chattering about his career, I stare out into the window. Whats happening out there?I shouldnt be worrying about this, Seoul will probably be my home now for a long time, not Anyang. Theres no way Im getting out of the trial, is there? What I did, was it really worth it? I hate to say it, but that blabber-mouth might actually be right. She probably wasnt right for me… I screw up didnt I?"Here, I have another good one to share! This ones a bit less morbid, I find it hilarious actually," the idiot turn his head around to tell whatever he was going to tell, his eyes away from the road. The worst decision in his life.Looking back to the front, I can see a grotesquely bloodied woman limping across the highway. Crap. Were getting way too close…"WATCH OUT!" I screamed.Too late. The car impact the woman, with her body and blood covering the whole windshield. Holy crap, were going to die, arent we?The car was spinning out of control, eventually breaching the guard rails and tumbling down a hill. The last thing I remember was almost shattering my skull against the window before I blacked out.