Treat Me

Sliceoflife 10K Active
Author: melonxlove
Latest: part two
Time: 2023-11-03

Scavenger Hunt for a Trick or Treat event must be totally fun especially when youre dressed as a SWAT member and a Pikachu and the theme is sexy.  Forewordokay, this one came out of no where when i was supposed to be working on something else, but i went with this since i was in the mood to write it. lol but anyways, that PTG love is for sure love. xD this one of course has all the members, but the one getting love interests is Yuto and Yeo One... yeah, but Hongseok is once again used as like a best friend and i love it! but um... its a COLLEGE!AU and some mentioned of things so be forewarn about that... i think its the curse words and females dressing a bit sexy for Halloween. (well its like that here in the US as the girls ive met always say its an excuse for them to dress like a hoe and yeah...) anyways, this one is Halloween related but i do not feel like it is Halloweenish for me. haha i may do another one but who knows. i promise a friend to write her a story, but its taking longer than it should (2 years and counting i believe. XD) but yeah, as for the title Treat Me was the working title and when i was finished and then re-read it to see if i can come up with another title, but nothing came to mind and so i kept it with Treat Me. not sure if it matches well, but i think its fitting in its own way sound how. but other than that, happy reading! ^^ OH YEAH!! HAPPY ONE YEAR WITH PENTAGON, UNIVERSE!! i didnt really plan on uploading this one their anniversary. i just happened to notice the date as i was looking at the time because i need to sleep for work, and saw it. wow, nice. haha but yeah~ much love for the BOYS!!-The story within this account of [YouWillFly] is a work of Fiction. The events and characters are fictional or out of character, and the celebrity names/images merely borrowed and do not represent who the celebrity is in real life. No offense is intended towards them, their families or friends.-© [YouWillFly] 2017. All rights reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited without the written consent of [YouWillFly].
